Announcement - OSADL LoI Phase #4
OSADL LoI Project #4:
You might be aware of the past “Letter of Intent” (LoI) projects done for open62541 in the framework of the OSADL (Open Source in Automation Development Labs). Companies can sign the Letter of Intent with their level of desired contribution and the project starts when a threshold is crossed.
The LoI projects have a well-defined scope in terms of content and timeline. They are used for a targeted “push” which could not be covered by the steady pace of development in the community. For example, PubSub communication was developed in the earlier LoI projects.
There is now a call for a fourth LoI project. Unlike in the other project phases, in this phase it is possible for the first time not only to make a financial contribution, but also to provide development resources. Guidance for third-party development is given by Fraunhofer IOSB as the open62541 maintainers.
More information on the project’s phase #4 is given here:
We would be very glad if you were interested in the upcoming activities of the project and considered to contribute to the project and participate in phase #4.