Connecting a Variable with a Physical Process

In OPC UA-based architectures, servers are typically situated near the source of information. In an industrial context, this translates into servers being near the physical process and clients consuming the data at runtime. In the previous tutorial, we saw how to add variables to an OPC UA information model. This tutorial shows how to connect a variable to runtime information, for example from measurements of a physical process. For simplicty, we take the system clock as the underlying “process”.

The following code snippets are each concerned with a different way of updating variable values at runtime. Taken together, the code snippets define a compilable source file.

Updating variables manually

As a starting point, assume that a variable for a value of type DateTime has been created in the server with the identifier “ns=1,s=current-time”. Assuming that our applications gets triggered when a new value arrives from the underlying process, we can just write into the variable.

#include <signal.h>
#include "open62541.h"

static void
updateCurrentTime(UA_Server *server) {
    UA_DateTime now = UA_DateTime_now();
    UA_Variant value;
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&value, &now, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DATETIME]);
    UA_NodeId currentNodeId = UA_NODEID_STRING(1, "current-time");
    UA_Server_writeValue(server, currentNodeId, value);

static void
addCurrentTimeVariable(UA_Server *server) {
    UA_DateTime now = 0;
    UA_VariableAttributes attr;
    attr.displayName = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT("en_US", "Current time");
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&attr.value, &now, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DATETIME]);

    UA_NodeId currentNodeId = UA_NODEID_STRING(1, "current-time");
    UA_QualifiedName currentName = UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(1, "current-time");
    UA_NodeId parentReferenceNodeId = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, UA_NS0ID_ORGANIZES);
    UA_NodeId variableTypeNodeId = UA_NODEID_NULL;
    UA_Server_addVariableNode(server, currentNodeId, parentNodeId,
                              parentReferenceNodeId, currentName,
                              variableTypeNodeId, attr, NULL, NULL);


Variable Value Callback

When a value changes continuously, such as the system time, updating the value in a tight loop would take up a lot of resources. Value callbacks allow to synchronize a variable value with an external representation. They attach callbacks to the variable that are executed before every read and after every write operation.

static void
beforeReadTime(void *handle, const UA_NodeId nodeid, const UA_Variant *data,
               const UA_NumericRange *range) {
    UA_Server *server = (UA_Server*)handle;
    UA_DateTime now = UA_DateTime_now();
    UA_Variant value;
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&value, &now, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DATETIME]);
    UA_NodeId currentNodeId = UA_NODEID_STRING(1, "current-time");
    UA_Server_writeValue(server, currentNodeId, value);

static void
afterWriteTime(void *handle, const UA_NodeId nodeid, const UA_Variant *data,
               const UA_NumericRange *range) {
                "The variable was updated");

static void
addValueCallbackToCurrentTimeVariable(UA_Server *server) {
    UA_NodeId currentNodeId = UA_NODEID_STRING(1, "current-time");
    UA_ValueCallback callback ;
    callback.handle = server;
    callback.onRead = beforeReadTime;
    callback.onWrite = afterWriteTime;
    UA_Server_setVariableNode_valueCallback(server, currentNodeId, callback);

Variable Data Sources

With value callbacks, the value is still stored in the variable node. So-called data sources go one step further. The server redirects every read and write request to a callback function. Upon reading, the callback provides copy of the current value. Internally, the data source needs to implement its own memory management.

static UA_StatusCode
readCurrentTime(void *handle, const UA_NodeId nodeid, UA_Boolean sourceTimeStamp,
                const UA_NumericRange *range, UA_DataValue *dataValue) {
    UA_DateTime now = UA_DateTime_now();
    UA_Variant_setScalarCopy(&dataValue->value, &now,
    dataValue->hasValue = true;

static UA_StatusCode
writeCurrentTime(void *handle, const UA_NodeId nodeid, const UA_Variant *data,
                 const UA_NumericRange *range) {
                "Changing the system time is not implemented");

static void
addCurrentTimeDataSourceVariable(UA_Server *server) {
    UA_VariableAttributes attr;
    attr.displayName = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT("en_US", "Current time - data source");

    UA_NodeId currentNodeId = UA_NODEID_STRING(1, "current-time-datasource");
    UA_QualifiedName currentName = UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(1, "current-time-datasource");
    UA_NodeId parentReferenceNodeId = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, UA_NS0ID_ORGANIZES);
    UA_NodeId variableTypeNodeId = UA_NODEID_NULL;

    UA_DataSource timeDataSource;
    timeDataSource.handle = NULL; = readCurrentTime;
    timeDataSource.write = writeCurrentTime;
    UA_Server_addDataSourceVariableNode(server, currentNodeId, parentNodeId,
                                        parentReferenceNodeId, currentName,
                                        variableTypeNodeId, attr,
                                        timeDataSource, NULL);

It follows the main server code, making use of the above definitions.

UA_Boolean running = true;
static void stopHandler(int sign) {
    UA_LOG_INFO(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "received ctrl-c");
    running = false;

int main(void) {
    signal(SIGINT, stopHandler);
    signal(SIGTERM, stopHandler);

    UA_ServerConfig config = UA_ServerConfig_standard;
    UA_ServerNetworkLayer nl =
        UA_ServerNetworkLayerTCP(UA_ConnectionConfig_standard, 16664);
    config.networkLayers = &nl;
    config.networkLayersSize = 1;
    UA_Server *server = UA_Server_new(config);


    UA_Server_run(server, &running);
    return 0;

DataChange Notifications

A client that is interested in the current value of a variable does not need to regularly poll the variable. Instead, he can use the Subscription mechanism to be notified about changes.

Within a Subscription, the client adds so-called MonitoredItems. A DataChange MonitoredItem defines a node attribute (usually the value attribute) that is monitored for changes. The server internally reads the value in the defined interval and generates the appropriate notifications. The three ways of updating node values discussed above are all usable in combination with notifications. That is because notifications use the standard Read service to look for value changes.