Networking Plugin API¶
Client-server connections are represented by a UA_Connection. The connection is stateful and stores partially received messages, and so on. In addition, the connection contains function pointers to the underlying networking implementation. An example for this is the send function. So the connection encapsulates all the required networking functionality. This lets users on embedded (or otherwise exotic) systems implement their own networking plugins with a clear interface to the main open62541 library.
typedef struct {
UA_UInt32 protocolVersion;
UA_UInt32 sendBufferSize;
UA_UInt32 recvBufferSize;
UA_UInt32 maxMessageSize;
UA_UInt32 maxChunkCount;
} UA_ConnectionConfig;
typedef enum {
UA_CONNECTION_CLOSED, /* The socket has been closed and the connection
* will be deleted */
UA_CONNECTION_OPENING, /* The socket is open, but the HEL/ACK handshake
* is not done */
UA_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED /* The socket is open and the connection
* configured */
} UA_ConnectionState;
struct UA_Connection {
UA_ConnectionState state;
UA_ConnectionConfig localConf;
UA_ConnectionConfig remoteConf;
UA_SecureChannel *channel; /* The securechannel that is attached to
* this connection */
UA_Int32 sockfd; /* Most connectivity solutions run on
* sockets. Having the socket id here
* simplifies the design. */
UA_DateTime openingDate; /* The date the connection was created */
void *handle; /* A pointer to internal data */
UA_ByteString incompleteMessage; /* A half-received chunk (TCP is a
* streaming protocol) is stored here */
/* Get a buffer for sending */
UA_StatusCode (*getSendBuffer)(UA_Connection *connection, size_t length,
UA_ByteString *buf);
/* Release the send buffer manually */
void (*releaseSendBuffer)(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *buf);
/* Sends a message over the connection. The message buffer is always freed,
* even if sending fails.
* @param connection The connection
* @param buf The message buffer
* @return Returns an error code or UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD. */
UA_StatusCode (*send)(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *buf);
/* Receive a message from the remote connection
* @param connection The connection
* @param response The response string. It is allocated by the connection
* and needs to be freed with connection->releaseBuffer
* @param timeout Timeout of the recv operation in milliseconds
* @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_BADCOMMUNICATIONERROR if the recv operation
* can be repeated, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD if it succeeded and
* closed. */
UA_StatusCode (*recv)(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *response,
UA_UInt32 timeout);
/* Release the buffer of a received message */
void (*releaseRecvBuffer)(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *buf);
/* Close the connection. The network layer closes the socket. This is picked
* up during the next 'listen' and the connection is freed in the network
* layer. */
void (*close)(UA_Connection *connection);
/* To be called only from within the server (and not the network layer).
* Frees up the connection's memory. */
void (*free)(UA_Connection *connection);
/* A message has not been processed yet */
UA_Boolean pendingMessage;
/* Cleans up half-received messages, and so on. Called from connection->free. */
UA_Connection_deleteMembers(UA_Connection *connection);
Server Network Layer¶
The server exposes two functions to interact with remote clients: processBinaryMessage and removeConnection. These functions are called by the server network layer.
It is the job of the server network layer to listen on a TCP socket, to accept new connections, to call the server with received messages and to signal closed connections to the server.
The network layer is part of the server config. So users can provide a custom implementation if the provided example does not fit their architecture. The network layer is invoked only from the server’s main loop. So the network layer does not need to be thread-safe. If the networklayer receives a positive duration for blocking listening, the server’s main loop will block until a message is received or the duration times out.
/* Process a binary message (TCP packet). The message can contain partial
* chunks. (TCP is a streaming protocol and packets may be split/merge during
* transport.) After processing, the message is freed with
* connection->releaseRecvBuffer. */
UA_Server_processBinaryMessage(UA_Server *server, UA_Connection *connection,
UA_ByteString *message);
/* The server internally cleans up the connection and then calls
* connection->free. */
UA_Server_removeConnection(UA_Server *server, UA_Connection *connection);
struct UA_ServerNetworkLayer {
void *handle; /* Internal data */
UA_String discoveryUrl;
/* Start listening on the networklayer.
* @param nl The network layer
* @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD or an error code. */
UA_StatusCode (*start)(UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl, const UA_String *customHostname);
/* Listen for new and closed connections and arriving packets. Calls
* UA_Server_processBinaryMessage for the arriving packets. Closed
* connections are picked up here and forwarded to
* UA_Server_removeConnection where they are cleaned up and freed.
* @param nl The network layer
* @param server The server for processing the incoming packets and for
* closing connections.
* @param timeout The timeout during which an event must arrive in
* milliseconds
* @return A statuscode for the status of the network layer. */
UA_StatusCode (*listen)(UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl, UA_Server *server,
UA_UInt16 timeout);
/* Close the network socket and all open connections. Afterwards, the
* network layer can be safely deleted.
* @param nl The network layer
* @param server The server that processes the incoming packets and for
* closing connections before deleting them.
* @return A statuscode for the status of the closing operation. */
void (*stop)(UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl, UA_Server *server);
/* Deletes the network layer context. Call only after stopping. */
void (*deleteMembers)(UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl);
Client Network Layer¶
The client has only a single connection used for sending and receiving binary messages.
/* @param localConf the connection config for this client
* @param endpointUrl to where to connect
* @param timeout in ms until the connection try times out if remote not reachable
* @param logger the logger to use */
typedef UA_Connection
(*UA_ConnectClientConnection)(UA_ConnectionConfig localConf, const char *endpointUrl,
const UA_UInt32 timeout, UA_Logger logger);
Endpoint URL Parser¶
The endpoint URL parser is generally useful for the implementation of network layer plugins.
/* Split the given endpoint url into hostname, port and path. All arguments must
* be non-NULL. EndpointUrls have the form "opc.tcp://hostname:port/path", port
* and path may be omitted (together with the prefix colon and slash).
* @param endpointUrl The endpoint URL.
* @param outHostname Set to the parsed hostname. The string points into the
* original endpointUrl, so no memory is allocated. If an IPv6 address is
* given, hostname contains e.g. '[2001:0db8:85a3::8a2e:0370:7334]'
* @param outPort Set to the port of the url or left unchanged.
* @param outPath Set to the path if one is present in the endpointUrl.
* Starting or trailing '/' are NOT included in the path. The string
* points into the original endpointUrl, so no memory is allocated.
* @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_BADTCPENDPOINTURLINVALID if parsing failed. */
UA_parseEndpointUrl(const UA_String *endpointUrl, UA_String *outHostname,
UA_UInt16 *outPort, UA_String *outPath);