.. _types-tutorial: Working with Data Types ----------------------- OPC UA defines a type system for values that can be encoded in the protocol messages. This tutorial shows some examples for available data types and their use. See the section on :ref:`types` for the full definitions. Basic Data Handling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section shows the basic interaction patterns for data types. Make sure to compare with the type definitions in ``types.h``. .. code-block:: c #include #include #include #include static void variables_basic(void) { /* Int32 */ UA_Int32 i = 5; UA_Int32 j; UA_Int32_copy(&i, &j); UA_Int32 *ip = UA_Int32_new(); UA_Int32_copy(&i, ip); UA_Int32_delete(ip); /* String */ UA_String s; UA_String_init(&s); /* _init zeroes out the entire memory of the datatype */ char *test = "test"; s.length = strlen(test); s.data = (UA_Byte*)test; UA_String s2; UA_String_copy(&s, &s2); UA_String_clear(&s2); /* Copying heap-allocated the dynamic content */ UA_String s3 = UA_STRING("test2"); UA_String s4 = UA_STRING_ALLOC("test2"); /* Copies the content to the heap */ UA_Boolean eq = UA_String_equal(&s3, &s4); UA_String_clear(&s4); if(!eq) return; /* Structured Type */ UA_ReadRequest rr; UA_init(&rr, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_READREQUEST]); /* Generic method */ UA_ReadRequest_init(&rr); /* Shorthand for the previous line */ rr.requestHeader.timestamp = UA_DateTime_now(); /* Members of a structure */ rr.nodesToRead = (UA_ReadValueId *)UA_Array_new(5, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_READVALUEID]); rr.nodesToReadSize = 5; /* Array size needs to be made known */ UA_ReadRequest *rr2 = UA_ReadRequest_new(); UA_copy(&rr, rr2, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_READREQUEST]); UA_ReadRequest_clear(&rr); UA_ReadRequest_delete(rr2); } NodeIds ^^^^^^^ An OPC UA information model is made up of nodes and references between nodes. Every node has a unique :ref:`nodeid`. NodeIds refer to a namespace with an additional identifier value that can be an integer, a string, a guid or a bytestring. .. code-block:: c static void variables_nodeids(void) { UA_NodeId id1 = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(1, 1234); id1.namespaceIndex = 3; UA_NodeId id2 = UA_NODEID_STRING(1, "testid"); /* the string is static */ UA_Boolean eq = UA_NodeId_equal(&id1, &id2); if(eq) return; UA_NodeId id3; UA_NodeId_copy(&id2, &id3); UA_NodeId_clear(&id3); UA_NodeId id4 = UA_NODEID_STRING_ALLOC(1, "testid"); /* the string is copied to the heap */ UA_NodeId_clear(&id4); } Variants ^^^^^^^^ The datatype :ref:`variant` belongs to the built-in datatypes of OPC UA and is used as a container type. A variant can hold any other datatype as a scalar (except variant) or as an array. Array variants can additionally denote the dimensionality of the data (e.g. a 2x3 matrix) in an additional integer array. .. code-block:: c static void variables_variants(void) { /* Set a scalar value */ UA_Variant v; UA_Int32 i = 42; UA_Variant_setScalar(&v, &i, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_INT32]); /* Make a copy */ UA_Variant v2; UA_Variant_copy(&v, &v2); UA_Variant_clear(&v2); /* Set an array value */ UA_Variant v3; UA_Double d[9] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0}; UA_Variant_setArrayCopy(&v3, d, 9, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DOUBLE]); /* Set array dimensions */ v3.arrayDimensions = (UA_UInt32 *)UA_Array_new(2, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT32]); v3.arrayDimensionsSize = 2; v3.arrayDimensions[0] = 3; v3.arrayDimensions[1] = 3; UA_Variant_clear(&v3); } It follows the main function, making use of the above definitions. .. code-block:: c int main(void) { variables_basic(); variables_nodeids(); variables_variants(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }