.. _server: Server ====== .. include:: server_config.rst .. _server-lifecycle: Server Lifecycle ---------------- .. code-block:: c /* The method UA_Server_new is defined in server_config_default.h. So default * plugins outside of the core library (for logging, etc) are already available * during the initialization. * * UA_Server * UA_Server_new(void); */ /* Creates a new server. Moves the config into the server with a shallow copy. * The config content is cleared together with the server. */ UA_Server * UA_Server_newWithConfig(const UA_ServerConfig *config); void UA_Server_delete(UA_Server *server); UA_ServerConfig * UA_Server_getConfig(UA_Server *server); /* Runs the main loop of the server. In each iteration, this calls into the * networklayers to see if messages have arrived. * * @param server The server object. * @param running The loop is run as long as *running is true. * Otherwise, the server shuts down. * @return Returns the statuscode of the UA_Server_run_shutdown method */ UA_StatusCode UA_Server_run(UA_Server *server, const volatile UA_Boolean *running); /* The prologue part of UA_Server_run (no need to use if you call * UA_Server_run) */ UA_StatusCode UA_Server_run_startup(UA_Server *server); /* Executes a single iteration of the server's main loop. * * @param server The server object. * @param waitInternal Should we wait for messages in the networklayer? * Otherwise, the timouts for the networklayers are set to zero. * The default max wait time is 50millisec. * @return Returns how long we can wait until the next scheduled * callback (in ms) */ UA_UInt16 UA_Server_run_iterate(UA_Server *server, UA_Boolean waitInternal); /* The epilogue part of UA_Server_run (no need to use if you call * UA_Server_run) */ UA_StatusCode UA_Server_run_shutdown(UA_Server *server); Timed Callbacks --------------- .. code-block:: c typedef void (*UA_ServerCallback)(UA_Server *server, void *data); /* Add a callback for execution at a specified time. If the indicated time lies * in the past, then the callback is executed at the next iteration of the * server's main loop. * * @param server The server object. * @param callback The callback that shall be added. * @param data Data that is forwarded to the callback. * @param date The timestamp for the execution time. * @param callbackId Set to the identifier of the repeated callback . This can * be used to cancel the callback later on. If the pointer is null, the * identifier is not set. * @return Upon success, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD is returned. An error code * otherwise. */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_addTimedCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_ServerCallback callback, void *data, UA_DateTime date, UA_UInt64 *callbackId); /* Add a callback for cyclic repetition to the server. * * @param server The server object. * @param callback The callback that shall be added. * @param data Data that is forwarded to the callback. * @param interval_ms The callback shall be repeatedly executed with the given * interval (in ms). The interval must be positive. The first execution * occurs at now() + interval at the latest. * @param callbackId Set to the identifier of the repeated callback . This can * be used to cancel the callback later on. If the pointer is null, the * identifier is not set. * @return Upon success, UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD is returned. An error code * otherwise. */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_addRepeatedCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_ServerCallback callback, void *data, UA_Double interval_ms, UA_UInt64 *callbackId); UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_changeRepeatedCallbackInterval(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt64 callbackId, UA_Double interval_ms); /* Remove a repeated callback. Does nothing if the callback is not found. * * @param server The server object. * @param callbackId The id of the callback */ void UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_removeCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt64 callbackId); #define UA_Server_removeRepeatedCallback(server, callbackId) \ UA_Server_removeCallback(server, callbackId); Reading and Writing Node Attributes ----------------------------------- The functions for reading and writing node attributes call the regular read and write service in the background that are also used over the network. The following attributes cannot be read, since the local "admin" user always has full rights. - UserWriteMask - UserAccessLevel - UserExecutable .. code-block:: c /* Read an attribute of a node. The specialized functions below provide a more * concise syntax. * * @param server The server object. * @param item ReadValueIds contain the NodeId of the target node, the id of the * attribute to read and (optionally) an index range to read parts * of an array only. See the section on NumericRange for the format * used for array ranges. * @param timestamps Which timestamps to return for the attribute. * @return Returns a DataValue that contains either an error code, or a variant * with the attribute value and the timestamps. */ UA_DataValue UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_read(UA_Server *server, const UA_ReadValueId *item, UA_TimestampsToReturn timestamps); /* Don't use this function. There are typed versions for every supported * attribute. */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE __UA_Server_read(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *nodeId, UA_AttributeId attributeId, void *v); static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readNodeId(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_NodeId *outNodeId) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_NODEID, outNodeId); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readNodeClass(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_NodeClass *outNodeClass) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_NODECLASS, outNodeClass); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readBrowseName(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_QualifiedName *outBrowseName) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_BROWSENAME, outBrowseName); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readDisplayName(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_LocalizedText *outDisplayName) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_DISPLAYNAME, outDisplayName); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readDescription(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_LocalizedText *outDescription) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_DESCRIPTION, outDescription); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readWriteMask(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_UInt32 *outWriteMask) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_WRITEMASK, outWriteMask); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readIsAbstract(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_Boolean *outIsAbstract) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_ISABSTRACT, outIsAbstract); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readSymmetric(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_Boolean *outSymmetric) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_SYMMETRIC, outSymmetric); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readInverseName(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_LocalizedText *outInverseName) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_INVERSENAME, outInverseName); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readContainsNoLoops(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_Boolean *outContainsNoLoops) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_CONTAINSNOLOOPS, outContainsNoLoops); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readEventNotifier(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_Byte *outEventNotifier) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_EVENTNOTIFIER, outEventNotifier); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readValue(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_Variant *outValue) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_VALUE, outValue); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readDataType(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_NodeId *outDataType) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_DATATYPE, outDataType); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readValueRank(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_Int32 *outValueRank) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_VALUERANK, outValueRank); } /* Returns a variant with an int32 array */ static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readArrayDimensions(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_Variant *outArrayDimensions) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_ARRAYDIMENSIONS, outArrayDimensions); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readAccessLevel(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_Byte *outAccessLevel) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_ACCESSLEVEL, outAccessLevel); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readMinimumSamplingInterval(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_Double *outMinimumSamplingInterval) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_MINIMUMSAMPLINGINTERVAL, outMinimumSamplingInterval); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readHistorizing(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_Boolean *outHistorizing) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_HISTORIZING, outHistorizing); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_readExecutable(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_Boolean *outExecutable) { return __UA_Server_read(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_EXECUTABLE, outExecutable); } The following node attributes cannot be changed once a node has been created: - NodeClass - NodeId - Symmetric - ContainsNoLoops The following attributes cannot be written from the server, as they are specific to the different users and set by the access control callback: - UserWriteMask - UserAccessLevel - UserExecutable .. code-block:: c /* Overwrite an attribute of a node. The specialized functions below provide a * more concise syntax. * * @param server The server object. * @param value WriteValues contain the NodeId of the target node, the id of the * attribute to overwritten, the actual value and (optionally) an * index range to replace parts of an array only. of an array only. * See the section on NumericRange for the format used for array * ranges. * @return Returns a status code. */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_write(UA_Server *server, const UA_WriteValue *value); /* Don't use this function. There are typed versions with no additional * overhead. */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE __UA_Server_write(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *nodeId, const UA_AttributeId attributeId, const UA_DataType *attr_type, const void *attr); static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeBrowseName(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_QualifiedName browseName) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_BROWSENAME, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_QUALIFIEDNAME], &browseName); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeDisplayName(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_LocalizedText displayName) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_DISPLAYNAME, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_LOCALIZEDTEXT], &displayName); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeDescription(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_LocalizedText description) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_DESCRIPTION, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_LOCALIZEDTEXT], &description); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeWriteMask(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_UInt32 writeMask) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_WRITEMASK, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT32], &writeMask); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeIsAbstract(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_Boolean isAbstract) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_ISABSTRACT, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN], &isAbstract); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeInverseName(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_LocalizedText inverseName) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_INVERSENAME, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_LOCALIZEDTEXT], &inverseName); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeEventNotifier(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_Byte eventNotifier) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_EVENTNOTIFIER, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BYTE], &eventNotifier); } Writes an UA_Variant to a variable/variableType node. StatusCode is set to UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD, sourceTimestamp and serverTimestamp are set to UA_DateTime_now() .. code-block:: c static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeValue(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_Variant value) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_VALUE, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_VARIANT], &value); } Writes an UA_DataValue to a variable/variableType node. In contrast to UA_Server_writeValue, this functions can also write sourceTimestamp, serverTimestamp and statusCode. .. code-block:: c static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeDataValue(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_DataValue value) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_VALUE, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DATAVALUE], &value); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeDataType(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_NodeId dataType) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_DATATYPE, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_NODEID], &dataType); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeValueRank(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_Int32 valueRank) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_VALUERANK, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_INT32], &valueRank); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeArrayDimensions(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_Variant arrayDimensions) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_ARRAYDIMENSIONS, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_VARIANT], &arrayDimensions); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeAccessLevel(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_Byte accessLevel) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_ACCESSLEVEL, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BYTE], &accessLevel); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeMinimumSamplingInterval(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_Double miniumSamplingInterval) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_MINIMUMSAMPLINGINTERVAL, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DOUBLE], &miniumSamplingInterval); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeHistorizing(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_Boolean historizing) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_HISTORIZING, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN], &historizing); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_writeExecutable(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_Boolean executable) { return __UA_Server_write(server, &nodeId, UA_ATTRIBUTEID_EXECUTABLE, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN], &executable); } Browsing -------- .. code-block:: c /* Browse the references of a particular node. See the definition of * BrowseDescription structure for details. */ UA_BrowseResult UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_browse(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt32 maxReferences, const UA_BrowseDescription *bd); UA_BrowseResult UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_browseNext(UA_Server *server, UA_Boolean releaseContinuationPoint, const UA_ByteString *continuationPoint); /* Nonstandard version of the browse service that recurses into child nodes. * Possible loops (that can occur for non-hierarchical references) are handled * by adding every target node at most once to the results array. */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_browseRecursive(UA_Server *server, const UA_BrowseDescription *bd, size_t *resultsSize, UA_ExpandedNodeId **results); UA_BrowsePathResult UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_translateBrowsePathToNodeIds(UA_Server *server, const UA_BrowsePath *browsePath); /* A simplified TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds based on the * SimpleAttributeOperand type (Part 4, * * This specifies a relative path using a list of BrowseNames instead of the * RelativePath structure. The list of BrowseNames is equivalent to a * RelativePath that specifies forward references which are subtypes of the * HierarchicalReferences ReferenceType. All Nodes followed by the browsePath * shall be of the NodeClass Object or Variable. */ UA_BrowsePathResult UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_browseSimplifiedBrowsePath(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId origin, size_t browsePathSize, const UA_QualifiedName *browsePath); #ifndef HAVE_NODEITER_CALLBACK #define HAVE_NODEITER_CALLBACK /* Iterate over all nodes referenced by parentNodeId by calling the callback * function for each child node (in ifdef because GCC/CLANG handle include order * differently) */ typedef UA_StatusCode (*UA_NodeIteratorCallback)(UA_NodeId childId, UA_Boolean isInverse, UA_NodeId referenceTypeId, void *handle); #endif UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_forEachChildNodeCall(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId parentNodeId, UA_NodeIteratorCallback callback, void *handle); #ifdef UA_ENABLE_DISCOVERY Discovery --------- .. code-block:: c /* Register the given server instance at the discovery server. * This should be called periodically. * The semaphoreFilePath is optional. If the given file is deleted, * the server will automatically be unregistered. This could be * for example a pid file which is deleted if the server crashes. * * When the server shuts down you need to call unregister. * * @param server * @param client the client which is used to call the RegisterServer. It must * already be connected to the correct endpoint * @param semaphoreFilePath optional parameter pointing to semaphore file. */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_register_discovery(UA_Server *server, struct UA_Client *client, const char* semaphoreFilePath); /* Unregister the given server instance from the discovery server. * This should only be called when the server is shutting down. * @param server * @param client the client which is used to call the RegisterServer. It must * already be connected to the correct endpoint */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_unregister_discovery(UA_Server *server, struct UA_Client *client); /* Adds a periodic callback to register the server with the LDS (local discovery server) * periodically. The interval between each register call is given as second parameter. * It should be 10 minutes by default (= 10*60*1000). * * The delayFirstRegisterMs parameter indicates the delay for the first register call. * If it is 0, the first register call will be after intervalMs milliseconds, * otherwise the server's first register will be after delayFirstRegisterMs. * * When you manually unregister the server, you also need to cancel the * periodic callback, otherwise it will be automatically be registered again. * * If you call this method multiple times for the same discoveryServerUrl, the older * periodic callback will be removed. * * @param server * @param client the client which is used to call the RegisterServer. * It must not yet be connected and will be connected for every register call * to the given discoveryServerUrl. * @param discoveryServerUrl where this server should register itself. * The string will be copied internally. Therefore you can free it after calling this method. * @param intervalMs * @param delayFirstRegisterMs * @param periodicCallbackId */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_addPeriodicServerRegisterCallback(UA_Server *server, struct UA_Client *client, const char* discoveryServerUrl, UA_Double intervalMs, UA_Double delayFirstRegisterMs, UA_UInt64 *periodicCallbackId); /* Callback for RegisterServer. Data is passed from the register call */ typedef void (*UA_Server_registerServerCallback)(const UA_RegisteredServer *registeredServer, void* data); /* Set the callback which is called if another server registeres or unregisters * with this instance. This callback is called every time the server gets a register * call. This especially means that for every periodic server register the callback will * be called. * * @param server * @param cb the callback * @param data data passed to the callback * @return UA_STATUSCODE_SUCCESS on success */ void UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_setRegisterServerCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_Server_registerServerCallback cb, void* data); #ifdef UA_ENABLE_DISCOVERY_MULTICAST /* Callback for server detected through mDNS. Data is passed from the register * call * * @param isServerAnnounce indicates if the server has just been detected. If * set to false, this means the server is shutting down. * @param isTxtReceived indicates if we already received the corresponding TXT * record with the path and caps data */ typedef void (*UA_Server_serverOnNetworkCallback)(const UA_ServerOnNetwork *serverOnNetwork, UA_Boolean isServerAnnounce, UA_Boolean isTxtReceived, void* data); /* Set the callback which is called if another server is found through mDNS or * deleted. It will be called for any mDNS message from the remote server, thus * it may be called multiple times for the same instance. Also the SRV and TXT * records may arrive later, therefore for the first call the server * capabilities may not be set yet. If called multiple times, previous data will * be overwritten. * * @param server * @param cb the callback * @param data data passed to the callback * @return UA_STATUSCODE_SUCCESS on success */ void UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_setServerOnNetworkCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_Server_serverOnNetworkCallback cb, void* data); #endif /* UA_ENABLE_DISCOVERY_MULTICAST */ #endif /* UA_ENABLE_DISCOVERY */ Information Model Callbacks --------------------------- There are three places where a callback from an information model to user-defined code can happen. - Custom node constructors and destructors - Linking VariableNodes with an external data source - MethodNode callbacks .. _node-lifecycle: Node Lifecycle: Constructors, Destructors and Node Contexts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To finalize the instantiation of a node, a (user-defined) constructor callback is executed. There can be both a global constructor for all nodes and node-type constructor specific to the TypeDefinition of the new node (attached to an ObjectTypeNode or VariableTypeNode). In the hierarchy of ObjectTypes and VariableTypes, only the constructor of the (lowest) type defined for the new node is executed. Note that every Object and Variable can have only one ``isTypeOf`` reference. But type-nodes can technically have several ``hasSubType`` references to implement multiple inheritance. Issues of (multiple) inheritance in the constructor need to be solved by the user. When a node is destroyed, the node-type destructor is called before the global destructor. So the overall node lifecycle is as follows: 1. Global Constructor (set in the server config) 2. Node-Type Constructor (for VariableType or ObjectTypes) 3. (Usage-period of the Node) 4. Node-Type Destructor 5. Global Destructor The constructor and destructor callbacks can be set to ``NULL`` and are not used in that case. If the node-type constructor fails, the global destructor will be called before removing the node. The destructors are assumed to never fail. Every node carries a user-context and a constructor-context pointer. The user-context is used to attach custom data to a node. But the (user-defined) constructors and destructors may replace the user-context pointer if they wish to do so. The initial value for the constructor-context is ``NULL``. When the ``AddNodes`` service is used over the network, the user-context pointer of the new node is also initially set to ``NULL``. .. code-block:: c /* To be set in the server config. */ typedef struct { /* Can be NULL. May replace the nodeContext */ UA_StatusCode (*constructor)(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeId, void **nodeContext); /* Can be NULL. The context cannot be replaced since the node is destroyed * immediately afterwards anyway. */ void (*destructor)(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeId, void *nodeContext); /* Can be NULL. Called during recursive node instantiation. While mandatory * child nodes are automatically created if not already present, optional child * nodes are not. This callback can be used to define whether an optional child * node should be created. * * @param server The server executing the callback * @param sessionId The identifier of the session * @param sessionContext Additional data attached to the session in the * access control layer * @param sourceNodeId Source node from the type definition. If the new node * shall be created, it will be a copy of this node. * @param targetParentNodeId Parent of the potential new child node * @param referenceTypeId Identifies the reference type which that the parent * node has to the new node. * @return Return UA_TRUE if the child node shall be instantiatet, * UA_FALSE otherwise. */ UA_Boolean (*createOptionalChild)(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *sourceNodeId, const UA_NodeId *targetParentNodeId, const UA_NodeId *referenceTypeId); /* Can be NULL. Called when a node is to be copied during recursive * node instantiation. Allows definition of the NodeId for the new node. * If the callback is set to NULL or the resulting NodeId is UA_NODEID_NULL, * then a random NodeId will be generated. * * @param server The server executing the callback * @param sessionId The identifier of the session * @param sessionContext Additional data attached to the session in the * access control layer * @param sourceNodeId Source node of the copy operation * @param targetParentNodeId Parent node of the new node * @param referenceTypeId Identifies the reference type which that the parent * node has to the new node. */ UA_StatusCode (*generateChildNodeId)(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *sourceNodeId, const UA_NodeId *targetParentNodeId, const UA_NodeId *referenceTypeId, UA_NodeId *targetNodeId); } UA_GlobalNodeLifecycle; typedef struct { /* Can be NULL. May replace the nodeContext */ UA_StatusCode (*constructor)(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *typeNodeId, void *typeNodeContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeId, void **nodeContext); /* Can be NULL. May replace the nodeContext. */ void (*destructor)(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *typeNodeId, void *typeNodeContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeId, void **nodeContext); } UA_NodeTypeLifecycle; UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_setNodeTypeLifecycle(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_NodeTypeLifecycle lifecycle); UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_getNodeContext(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId nodeId, void **nodeContext); /* Careful! The user has to ensure that the destructor callbacks still work. */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_setNodeContext(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId nodeId, void *nodeContext); .. _datasource: Data Source Callback ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The server has a unique way of dealing with the content of variables. Instead of storing a variant attached to the variable node, the node can point to a function with a local data provider. Whenever the value attribute is read, the function will be called and asked to provide a UA_DataValue return value that contains the value content and additional timestamps. It is expected that the read callback is implemented. The write callback can be set to a null-pointer. .. code-block:: c typedef struct { /* Copies the data from the source into the provided value. * * !! ZERO-COPY OPERATIONS POSSIBLE !! * It is not required to return a copy of the actual content data. You can * return a pointer to memory owned by the user. Memory can be reused * between read callbacks of a DataSource, as the result is already encoded * on the network buffer between each read operation. * * To use zero-copy reads, set the value of the `value->value` Variant * without copying, e.g. with `UA_Variant_setScalar`. Then, also set * `value->value.storageType` to `UA_VARIANT_DATA_NODELETE` to prevent the * memory being cleaned up. Don't forget to also set `value->hasValue` to * true to indicate the presence of a value. * * @param server The server executing the callback * @param sessionId The identifier of the session * @param sessionContext Additional data attached to the session in the * access control layer * @param nodeId The identifier of the node being read from * @param nodeContext Additional data attached to the node by the user * @param includeSourceTimeStamp If true, then the datasource is expected to * set the source timestamp in the returned value * @param range If not null, then the datasource shall return only a * selection of the (nonscalar) data. Set * UA_STATUSCODE_BADINDEXRANGEINVALID in the value if this does not * apply * @param value The (non-null) DataValue that is returned to the client. The * data source sets the read data, the result status and optionally a * sourcetimestamp. * @return Returns a status code for logging. Error codes intended for the * original caller are set in the value. If an error is returned, * then no releasing of the value is done */ UA_StatusCode (*read)(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeId, void *nodeContext, UA_Boolean includeSourceTimeStamp, const UA_NumericRange *range, UA_DataValue *value); /* Write into a data source. This method pointer can be NULL if the * operation is unsupported. * * @param server The server executing the callback * @param sessionId The identifier of the session * @param sessionContext Additional data attached to the session in the * access control layer * @param nodeId The identifier of the node being written to * @param nodeContext Additional data attached to the node by the user * @param range If not NULL, then the datasource shall return only a * selection of the (nonscalar) data. Set * UA_STATUSCODE_BADINDEXRANGEINVALID in the value if this does not * apply * @param value The (non-NULL) DataValue that has been written by the client. * The data source contains the written data, the result status and * optionally a sourcetimestamp * @return Returns a status code for logging. Error codes intended for the * original caller are set in the value. If an error is returned, * then no releasing of the value is done */ UA_StatusCode (*write)(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeId, void *nodeContext, const UA_NumericRange *range, const UA_DataValue *value); } UA_DataSource; UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_setVariableNode_dataSource(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_DataSource dataSource); .. _value-callback: Value Callback ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Value Callbacks can be attached to variable and variable type nodes. If not ``NULL``, they are called before reading and after writing respectively. .. code-block:: c typedef struct { /* Called before the value attribute is read. It is possible to write into the * value attribute during onRead (using the write service). The node is * re-opened afterwards so that changes are considered in the following read * operation. * * @param handle Points to user-provided data for the callback. * @param nodeid The identifier of the node. * @param data Points to the current node value. * @param range Points to the numeric range the client wants to read from * (or NULL). */ void (*onRead)(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeid, void *nodeContext, const UA_NumericRange *range, const UA_DataValue *value); /* Called after writing the value attribute. The node is re-opened after * writing so that the new value is visible in the callback. * * @param server The server executing the callback * @sessionId The identifier of the session * @sessionContext Additional data attached to the session * in the access control layer * @param nodeid The identifier of the node. * @param nodeUserContext Additional data attached to the node by * the user. * @param nodeConstructorContext Additional data attached to the node * by the type constructor(s). * @param range Points to the numeric range the client wants to write to (or * NULL). */ void (*onWrite)(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeId, void *nodeContext, const UA_NumericRange *range, const UA_DataValue *data); } UA_ValueCallback; UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_setVariableNode_valueCallback(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, const UA_ValueCallback callback); .. _local-monitoreditems: Local MonitoredItems ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MonitoredItems are used with the Subscription mechanism of OPC UA to transported notifications for data changes and events. MonitoredItems can also be registered locally. Notifications are then forwarded to a user-defined callback instead of a remote client. .. code-block:: c #ifdef UA_ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS typedef void (*UA_Server_DataChangeNotificationCallback) (UA_Server *server, UA_UInt32 monitoredItemId, void *monitoredItemContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeId, void *nodeContext, UA_UInt32 attributeId, const UA_DataValue *value); typedef void (*UA_Server_EventNotificationCallback) (UA_Server *server, UA_UInt32 monId, void *monContext, size_t nEventFields, const UA_Variant *eventFields); /* Create a local MonitoredItem with a sampling interval that detects data * changes. * * @param server The server executing the MonitoredItem * @timestampsToReturn Shall timestamps be added to the value for the callback? * @item The parameters of the new MonitoredItem. Note that the attribute of the * ReadValueId (the node that is monitored) can not be * ``UA_ATTRIBUTEID_EVENTNOTIFIER``. A different callback type needs to be * registered for event notifications. * @monitoredItemContext A pointer that is forwarded with the callback * @callback The callback that is executed on detected data changes * * @return Returns a description of the created MonitoredItem. The structure * also contains a StatusCode (in case of an error) and the identifier of the * new MonitoredItem. */ UA_MonitoredItemCreateResult UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_createDataChangeMonitoredItem(UA_Server *server, UA_TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, const UA_MonitoredItemCreateRequest item, void *monitoredItemContext, UA_Server_DataChangeNotificationCallback callback); /* UA_MonitoredItemCreateResult */ /* UA_Server_createEventMonitoredItem(UA_Server *server, */ /* UA_TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, */ /* const UA_MonitoredItemCreateRequest item, void *context, */ /* UA_Server_EventNotificationCallback callback); */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_deleteMonitoredItem(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt32 monitoredItemId); #endif Method Callbacks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Method callbacks are set to `NULL` (not executable) when a method node is added over the network. In theory, it is possible to add a callback via ``UA_Server_setMethodNode_callback`` within the global constructor when adding methods over the network is really wanted. See the Section :ref:`object-interaction` for calling methods on an object. .. code-block:: c typedef UA_StatusCode (*UA_MethodCallback)(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *methodId, void *methodContext, const UA_NodeId *objectId, void *objectContext, size_t inputSize, const UA_Variant *input, size_t outputSize, UA_Variant *output); #ifdef UA_ENABLE_METHODCALLS UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_setMethodNode_callback(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId methodNodeId, UA_MethodCallback methodCallback); #endif .. _object-interaction: Interacting with Objects ------------------------ Objects in the information model are represented as ObjectNodes. Some convenience functions are provided to simplify the interaction with objects. .. code-block:: c /* Write an object property. The property is represented as a VariableNode with * a ``HasProperty`` reference from the ObjectNode. The VariableNode is * identified by its BrowseName. Writing the property sets the value attribute * of the VariableNode. * * @param server The server object * @param objectId The identifier of the object (node) * @param propertyName The name of the property * @param value The value to be set for the event attribute * @return The StatusCode for setting the event attribute */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_writeObjectProperty(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId objectId, const UA_QualifiedName propertyName, const UA_Variant value); /* Directly point to the scalar value instead of a variant */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_writeObjectProperty_scalar(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId objectId, const UA_QualifiedName propertyName, const void *value, const UA_DataType *type); /* Read an object property. * * @param server The server object * @param objectId The identifier of the object (node) * @param propertyName The name of the property * @param value Contains the property value after reading. Must not be NULL. * @return The StatusCode for setting the event attribute */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_readObjectProperty(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId objectId, const UA_QualifiedName propertyName, UA_Variant *value); #ifdef UA_ENABLE_METHODCALLS UA_CallMethodResult UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_call(UA_Server *server, const UA_CallMethodRequest *request); #endif .. _addnodes: Node Addition and Deletion -------------------------- When creating dynamic node instances at runtime, chances are that you will not care about the specific NodeId of the new node, as long as you can reference it later. When passing numeric NodeIds with a numeric identifier 0, the stack evaluates this as "select a random unassigned numeric NodeId in that namespace". To find out which NodeId was actually assigned to the new node, you may pass a pointer `outNewNodeId`, which will (after a successful node insertion) contain the nodeId of the new node. You may also pass a ``NULL`` pointer if this result is not needed. See the Section :ref:`node-lifecycle` on constructors and on attaching user-defined data to nodes. The methods for node addition and deletion take mostly const arguments that are not modified. When creating a node, a deep copy of the node identifier, node attributes, etc. is created. Therefore, it is possible to call for example ``UA_Server_addVariablenode`` with a value attribute (a :ref:`variant`) pointing to a memory location on the stack. If you need changes to a variable value to manifest at a specific memory location, please use a :ref:`datasource` or a :ref:`value-callback`. .. code-block:: c /* Protect against redundant definitions for server/client */ #ifndef UA_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES_DEFINED #define UA_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES_DEFINED /* The default for variables is "BaseDataType" for the datatype, -2 for the * valuerank and a read-accesslevel. */ extern const UA_VariableAttributes UA_VariableAttributes_default; extern const UA_VariableTypeAttributes UA_VariableTypeAttributes_default; /* Methods are executable by default */ extern const UA_MethodAttributes UA_MethodAttributes_default; /* The remaining attribute definitions are currently all zeroed out */ extern const UA_ObjectAttributes UA_ObjectAttributes_default; extern const UA_ObjectTypeAttributes UA_ObjectTypeAttributes_default; extern const UA_ReferenceTypeAttributes UA_ReferenceTypeAttributes_default; extern const UA_DataTypeAttributes UA_DataTypeAttributes_default; extern const UA_ViewAttributes UA_ViewAttributes_default; #endif /* Don't use this function. There are typed versions as inline functions. */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE __UA_Server_addNode(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeClass nodeClass, const UA_NodeId *requestedNewNodeId, const UA_NodeId *parentNodeId, const UA_NodeId *referenceTypeId, const UA_QualifiedName browseName, const UA_NodeId *typeDefinition, const UA_NodeAttributes *attr, const UA_DataType *attributeType, void *nodeContext, UA_NodeId *outNewNodeId); static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addVariableNode(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId requestedNewNodeId, const UA_NodeId parentNodeId, const UA_NodeId referenceTypeId, const UA_QualifiedName browseName, const UA_NodeId typeDefinition, const UA_VariableAttributes attr, void *nodeContext, UA_NodeId *outNewNodeId) { return __UA_Server_addNode(server, UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE, &requestedNewNodeId, &parentNodeId, &referenceTypeId, browseName, &typeDefinition, (const UA_NodeAttributes*)&attr, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_VARIABLEATTRIBUTES], nodeContext, outNewNodeId); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addVariableTypeNode(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId requestedNewNodeId, const UA_NodeId parentNodeId, const UA_NodeId referenceTypeId, const UA_QualifiedName browseName, const UA_NodeId typeDefinition, const UA_VariableTypeAttributes attr, void *nodeContext, UA_NodeId *outNewNodeId) { return __UA_Server_addNode(server, UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLETYPE, &requestedNewNodeId, &parentNodeId, &referenceTypeId, browseName, &typeDefinition, (const UA_NodeAttributes*)&attr, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_VARIABLETYPEATTRIBUTES], nodeContext, outNewNodeId); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addObjectNode(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId requestedNewNodeId, const UA_NodeId parentNodeId, const UA_NodeId referenceTypeId, const UA_QualifiedName browseName, const UA_NodeId typeDefinition, const UA_ObjectAttributes attr, void *nodeContext, UA_NodeId *outNewNodeId) { return __UA_Server_addNode(server, UA_NODECLASS_OBJECT, &requestedNewNodeId, &parentNodeId, &referenceTypeId, browseName, &typeDefinition, (const UA_NodeAttributes*)&attr, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_OBJECTATTRIBUTES], nodeContext, outNewNodeId); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addObjectTypeNode(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId requestedNewNodeId, const UA_NodeId parentNodeId, const UA_NodeId referenceTypeId, const UA_QualifiedName browseName, const UA_ObjectTypeAttributes attr, void *nodeContext, UA_NodeId *outNewNodeId) { return __UA_Server_addNode(server, UA_NODECLASS_OBJECTTYPE, &requestedNewNodeId, &parentNodeId, &referenceTypeId, browseName, &UA_NODEID_NULL, (const UA_NodeAttributes*)&attr, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_OBJECTTYPEATTRIBUTES], nodeContext, outNewNodeId); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addViewNode(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId requestedNewNodeId, const UA_NodeId parentNodeId, const UA_NodeId referenceTypeId, const UA_QualifiedName browseName, const UA_ViewAttributes attr, void *nodeContext, UA_NodeId *outNewNodeId) { return __UA_Server_addNode(server, UA_NODECLASS_VIEW, &requestedNewNodeId, &parentNodeId, &referenceTypeId, browseName, &UA_NODEID_NULL, (const UA_NodeAttributes*)&attr, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_VIEWATTRIBUTES], nodeContext, outNewNodeId); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addReferenceTypeNode(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId requestedNewNodeId, const UA_NodeId parentNodeId, const UA_NodeId referenceTypeId, const UA_QualifiedName browseName, const UA_ReferenceTypeAttributes attr, void *nodeContext, UA_NodeId *outNewNodeId) { return __UA_Server_addNode(server, UA_NODECLASS_REFERENCETYPE, &requestedNewNodeId, &parentNodeId, &referenceTypeId, browseName, &UA_NODEID_NULL, (const UA_NodeAttributes*)&attr, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_REFERENCETYPEATTRIBUTES], nodeContext, outNewNodeId); } static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addDataTypeNode(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId requestedNewNodeId, const UA_NodeId parentNodeId, const UA_NodeId referenceTypeId, const UA_QualifiedName browseName, const UA_DataTypeAttributes attr, void *nodeContext, UA_NodeId *outNewNodeId) { return __UA_Server_addNode(server, UA_NODECLASS_DATATYPE, &requestedNewNodeId, &parentNodeId, &referenceTypeId, browseName, &UA_NODEID_NULL, (const UA_NodeAttributes*)&attr, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_DATATYPEATTRIBUTES], nodeContext, outNewNodeId); } UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_addDataSourceVariableNode(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId requestedNewNodeId, const UA_NodeId parentNodeId, const UA_NodeId referenceTypeId, const UA_QualifiedName browseName, const UA_NodeId typeDefinition, const UA_VariableAttributes attr, const UA_DataSource dataSource, void *nodeContext, UA_NodeId *outNewNodeId); #ifdef UA_ENABLE_METHODCALLS UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_addMethodNodeEx(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId requestedNewNodeId, const UA_NodeId parentNodeId, const UA_NodeId referenceTypeId, const UA_QualifiedName browseName, const UA_MethodAttributes attr, UA_MethodCallback method, size_t inputArgumentsSize, const UA_Argument *inputArguments, const UA_NodeId inputArgumentsRequestedNewNodeId, UA_NodeId *inputArgumentsOutNewNodeId, size_t outputArgumentsSize, const UA_Argument *outputArguments, const UA_NodeId outputArgumentsRequestedNewNodeId, UA_NodeId *outputArgumentsOutNewNodeId, void *nodeContext, UA_NodeId *outNewNodeId); static UA_INLINE UA_THREADSAFE UA_StatusCode UA_Server_addMethodNode(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId requestedNewNodeId, const UA_NodeId parentNodeId, const UA_NodeId referenceTypeId, const UA_QualifiedName browseName, const UA_MethodAttributes attr, UA_MethodCallback method, size_t inputArgumentsSize, const UA_Argument *inputArguments, size_t outputArgumentsSize, const UA_Argument *outputArguments, void *nodeContext, UA_NodeId *outNewNodeId) { return UA_Server_addMethodNodeEx(server, requestedNewNodeId, parentNodeId, referenceTypeId, browseName, attr, method, inputArgumentsSize, inputArguments, UA_NODEID_NULL, NULL, outputArgumentsSize, outputArguments, UA_NODEID_NULL, NULL, nodeContext, outNewNodeId); } #endif The method pair UA_Server_addNode_begin and _finish splits the AddNodes service in two parts. This is useful if the node shall be modified before finish the instantiation. For example to add children with specific NodeIds. Otherwise, mandatory children (e.g. of an ObjectType) are added with pseudo-random unique NodeIds. Existing children are detected during the _finish part via their matching BrowseName. The _begin method: - prepares the node and adds it to the nodestore - copies some unassigned attributes from the TypeDefinition node internally - adds the references to the parent (and the TypeDefinition if applicable) - performs type-checking of variables. You can add an object node without a parent if you set the parentNodeId and referenceTypeId to UA_NODE_ID_NULL. Then you need to add the parent reference and hasTypeDef reference yourself before calling the _finish method. Not that this is only allowed for object nodes. The _finish method: - copies mandatory children - calls the node constructor(s) at the end - may remove the node if it encounters an error. The special UA_Server_addMethodNode_finish method needs to be used for method nodes, since there you need to explicitly specifiy the input and output arguments which are added in the finish step (if not yet already there) ``VariableAttributes`` for variables, ``ObjectAttributes`` for objects, and so on. Missing attributes are taken from the TypeDefinition node if applicable. .. code-block:: c UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_addNode_begin(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeClass nodeClass, const UA_NodeId requestedNewNodeId, const UA_NodeId parentNodeId, const UA_NodeId referenceTypeId, const UA_QualifiedName browseName, const UA_NodeId typeDefinition, const void *attr, const UA_DataType *attributeType, void *nodeContext, UA_NodeId *outNewNodeId); UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_addNode_finish(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId); #ifdef UA_ENABLE_METHODCALLS UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_addMethodNode_finish(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_MethodCallback method, size_t inputArgumentsSize, const UA_Argument* inputArguments, size_t outputArgumentsSize, const UA_Argument* outputArguments); #endif /* Deletes a node and optionally all references leading to the node. */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_deleteNode(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId nodeId, UA_Boolean deleteReferences); Reference Management -------------------- .. code-block:: c UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_addReference(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId sourceId, const UA_NodeId refTypeId, const UA_ExpandedNodeId targetId, UA_Boolean isForward); UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_deleteReference(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId sourceNodeId, const UA_NodeId referenceTypeId, UA_Boolean isForward, const UA_ExpandedNodeId targetNodeId, UA_Boolean deleteBidirectional); .. _events: Events ------ The method ``UA_Server_createEvent`` creates an event and represents it as node. The node receives a unique `EventId` which is automatically added to the node. The method returns a `NodeId` to the object node which represents the event through ``outNodeId``. The `NodeId` can be used to set the attributes of the event. The generated `NodeId` is always numeric. ``outNodeId`` cannot be ``NULL``. Note: In order to see an event in UAExpert, the field `Time` must be given a value! The method ``UA_Server_triggerEvent`` "triggers" an event by adding it to all monitored items of the specified origin node and those of all its parents. Any filters specified by the monitored items are automatically applied. Using this method deletes the node generated by ``UA_Server_createEvent``. The `EventId` for the new event is generated automatically and is returned through ``outEventId``. ``NULL`` can be passed if the `EventId` is not needed. ``deleteEventNode`` specifies whether the node representation of the event should be deleted after invoking the method. This can be useful if events with the similar attributes are triggered frequently. ``UA_TRUE`` would cause the node to be deleted. .. code-block:: c #ifdef UA_ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_EVENTS /* The EventQueueOverflowEventType is defined as abstract, therefore we can not * create an instance of that type directly, but need to create a subtype. The * following is an arbitrary number which shall refer to our internal overflow * type. This is already posted on the OPC Foundation bug tracker under the * following link for clarification: * https://opcfoundation-onlineapplications.org/mantis/view.php?id=4206 */ # define UA_NS0ID_SIMPLEOVERFLOWEVENTTYPE 4035 /* Creates a node representation of an event * * @param server The server object * @param eventType The type of the event for which a node should be created * @param outNodeId The NodeId of the newly created node for the event * @return The StatusCode of the UA_Server_createEvent method */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_createEvent(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId eventType, UA_NodeId *outNodeId); /* Triggers a node representation of an event by applying EventFilters and adding the event to the appropriate queues. * @param server The server object * @param eventNodeId The NodeId of the node representation of the event which should be triggered * @param outEvent the EventId of the new event * @param deleteEventNode Specifies whether the node representation of the event should be deleted * @return The StatusCode of the UA_Server_triggerEvent method */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_triggerEvent(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId eventNodeId, const UA_NodeId originId, UA_ByteString *outEventId, const UA_Boolean deleteEventNode); #endif /* UA_ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_EVENTS */ #ifdef UA_ENABLE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_ALARMS_CONDITIONS typedef enum UA_TwoStateVariableCallbackType { UA_ENTERING_ENABLEDSTATE, UA_ENTERING_ACKEDSTATE, UA_ENTERING_CONFIRMEDSTATE, UA_ENTERING_ACTIVESTATE } UA_TwoStateVariableCallbackType; callback prototype to set user specific callbacks .. code-block:: c typedef UA_StatusCode (*UA_TwoStateVariableChangeCallback)(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *condition); create condition instance. The function checks first whether the passed conditionType is a subType of ConditionType. Then checks whether the condition source has HasEventSource reference to its parent. If not, a HasEventSource reference will be created between condition source and server object. To expose the condition in address space, a hierarchical ReferenceType should be passed to create the reference to condition source. Otherwise, UA_NODEID_NULL should be passed to make the condition not exposed. @param server The server object @param conditionId The NodeId of the requested Condition Object. UA_NODEID_NULL for random Id with NS Idx = 0. @param conditionType The NodeId of the node representation of the ConditionType @param conditionName The name of the condition to be created @param conditionSource The NodeId of the Condition Source (Parent of the Condition) @param hierarchialReferenceType The NodeId of Hierarchical ReferenceType between Condition and its source @param outConditionId The NodeId of the created Condition @return The StatusCode of the UA_Server_createCondition method .. code-block:: c UA_StatusCode UA_Server_createCondition(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId conditionId, const UA_NodeId conditionType, UA_QualifiedName conditionName, const UA_NodeId conditionSource, const UA_NodeId hierarchialReferenceType, UA_NodeId *outConditionId); set the value of condition field. @param server The server object @param condition The NodeId of the node representation of the Condition Instance @param value Variant Value to be written to the Field @param fieldName Name of the Field in which the value should be written @return The StatusCode of the UA_Server_setConditionField method*/ set the value of property of condition field. @param server The server object @param condition The NodeId of the node representation of the Condition Instance @param value Variant Value to be written to the Field @param variableFieldName Name of the Field which has a property @param variablePropertyName Name of the Field Property in which the value should be written @return The StatusCode of the UA_Server_setConditionVariableFieldProperty*/ triggers an event only for an enabled condition. The condition list is updated then with the last generated EventId. @param server The server object @param condition The NodeId of the node representation of the Condition Instance @param conditionSource The NodeId of the node representation of the Condition Source @param outEventId last generated EventId @return The StatusCode of the UA_Server_triggerConditionEvent method*/ add an optional condition field using its name. (TODO Adding optional methods is not implemented yet) @param server The server object @param condition The NodeId of the node representation of the Condition Instance @param conditionType The NodeId of the node representation of the Condition Type from which the optional field comes @param fieldName Name of the optional field @param outOptionalVariable The NodeId of the created field (Variable Node) @return The StatusCode of the UA_Server_addConditionOptionalField method*/ Function used to set a user specific callback to TwoStateVariable Fields of a condition. The callbacks will be called before triggering the events when transition to true State of EnabledState/Id, AckedState/Id, ConfirmedState/Id and ActiveState/Id occurs. @param server The server object @param condition The NodeId of the node representation of the Condition Instance @param conditionSource The NodeId of the node representation of the Condition Source @param removeBranch (Not Implemented yet) @param callback User specific callback function @param callbackType Callback function type, indicates where it should be called @return The StatusCode of the UA_Server_setConditionTwoStateVariableCallback method*/ Utility Functions ----------------- .. code-block:: c /* Add a new namespace to the server. Returns the index of the new namespace */ UA_UInt16 UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_addNamespace(UA_Server *server, const char* name); /* Get namespace by name from the server. */ UA_StatusCode UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_getNamespaceByName(UA_Server *server, const UA_String namespaceUri, size_t* foundIndex); #ifdef UA_ENABLE_HISTORIZING UA_Boolean UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_AccessControl_allowHistoryUpdateUpdateData(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeId, UA_PerformUpdateType performInsertReplace, const UA_DataValue *value); UA_Boolean UA_THREADSAFE UA_Server_AccessControl_allowHistoryUpdateDeleteRawModified(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeId, UA_DateTime startTimestamp, UA_DateTime endTimestamp, bool isDeleteModified); #endif // UA_ENABLE_HISTORIZING .. _async-operations: Async Operations ---------------- Some operations (such as reading out a sensor that needs to warm up) can take quite some time. In order not to block the server during such an operation, it can be "outsourced" to a worker thread. Take the example of a CallRequest. It is split into the individual method call operations. If the method is marked as async, then the operation is put into a queue where it is be retrieved by a worker. The worker returns the result when ready. See the examples in ``/examples/tutorial_server_method_async.c`` for the usage. Note that the operation can time out (see the asyncOperationTimeout setting in the server config) also when it has been retrieved by the worker. .. code-block:: c #if UA_MULTITHREADING >= 100 /* Set the async flag in a method node */ UA_StatusCode UA_Server_setMethodNodeAsync(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId id, UA_Boolean isAsync); typedef enum { UA_ASYNCOPERATIONTYPE_INVALID, /* 0, the default */ UA_ASYNCOPERATIONTYPE_CALL /* UA_ASYNCOPERATIONTYPE_READ, */ /* UA_ASYNCOPERATIONTYPE_WRITE, */ } UA_AsyncOperationType; typedef union { UA_CallMethodRequest callMethodRequest; /* UA_ReadValueId readValueId; */ /* UA_WriteValue writeValue; */ } UA_AsyncOperationRequest; typedef union { UA_CallMethodResult callMethodResult; /* UA_DataValue readResult; */ /* UA_StatusCode writeResult; */ } UA_AsyncOperationResponse; /* Get the next async operation without blocking * * @param server The server object * @param type The type of the async operation * @param request Receives pointer to the operation * @param context Receives the pointer to the operation context * @param timeout The timestamp when the operation times out and can * no longer be returned to the client. The response has to * be set in UA_Server_setAsyncOperationResult in any case. * @return false if queue is empty, true else */ UA_Boolean UA_Server_getAsyncOperationNonBlocking(UA_Server *server, UA_AsyncOperationType *type, const UA_AsyncOperationRequest **request, void **context, UA_DateTime *timeout); /* UA_Boolean */ /* UA_Server_getAsyncOperationBlocking(UA_Server *server, UA_AsyncOperationType *type, */ /* const UA_AsyncOperationRequest **request, */ /* void **context, UA_DateTime *timeout); */ /* Submit an async operation result * * @param server The server object * @param response Pointer to the operation result * @param context Pointer to the operation context */ void UA_Server_setAsyncOperationResult(UA_Server *server, const UA_AsyncOperationResponse *response, void *context); /* Get the next async operation. Attention! This method is deprecated and has * been replaced by UA_Server_getAsyncOperationNonBlocking! */ UA_DEPRECATED UA_Boolean UA_Server_getAsyncOperation(UA_Server *server, UA_AsyncOperationType *type, const UA_AsyncOperationRequest **request, void **context); #endif /* !UA_MULTITHREADING >= 100 */ Statistics ---------- Statistic counters keeping track of the current state of the stack. Counters are structured per OPC UA communication layer. .. code-block:: c typedef struct { UA_NetworkStatistics ns; UA_SecureChannelStatistics scs; UA_SessionStatistics ss; } UA_ServerStatistics; UA_ServerStatistics UA_Server_getStatistics(UA_Server *server);