Core Concepts of OPC UA¶
In one sentence, OPC UA (ISO 62541) defines a framework for object-oriented information models (typically representing a physical device) that live in an OPC UA server and a protocol with which a client can interact with the information model over the network (read and write variables, call methods, instantiate and delete objects, subscribe to change notifications, and so on).
This Section introduces the core concepts of OPC UA. For the full specification see the OPC UA standard at
We focus on the TCP-based binary protocol since it is by far the most common transport layer for OPC UA. The general concepts also translate to HTTP and SOAP-based communication defined in the standard. Communication in OPC UA is best understood by starting with the following key principles:
- Request / Response
All communication is based on the Request/Response pattern. Only clients can send a request to a server. And servers can only send responses to a matching request. Often the server is hosted close to a (physical) device, such as a sensor or a machine tool.
- Asynchronous Responses
A server does not have to immediately respond to requests and responses may be sent in a different order. This keeps the server responsive when it takes time until a specific request has been processed (e.g. a method call or when reading from a sensor with delay). Subscriptions (push-notifications) are implemented via special requests where the response is delayed until a notification is published.
OPC UA PubSub (Part 14 of the standard) is an extension for the integration of many-to-many communication with OPC UA. PubSub does not use the client-server protocol. Rather, OPC UA PubSub integrates with either existing broker-based protocols such as MQTT, UDP-multicast or Ethernet-based communication. Typically an OPC UA server (accessed via the client-server protocol) is used to configured PubSub communication.
Note that the client-server protocol also supports Subscriptions for one-to-one communication and does not depend on PubSub for this feature.
A client-server connection for the OPC UA binary protocol consists of three nested levels: The stateful TCP connection, a SecureChannel and the Session. For full details, see Part 6 of the OPC UA standard.
- TCP Connection
The TCP connection is opened to the corresponding hostname and port with an initial handshake of HEL/ACK messages. The handshake establishes the basic settings of the connection, such as the maximum message length. The Reverse Connect extension of OPC UA allows the server to initiate the underlying TCP connection.
- SecureChannel
SecureChannels are created on top of the raw TCP connection. A SecureChannel is established with an OpenSecureChannel request and response message pair. Attention! Even though a SecureChannel is mandatory, encryption might still be disabled. The SecurityMode of a SecureChannel can be either
, orSignAndEncrypt
. As of version 0.2 of open62541, message signing and encryption is still under ongoing development.With message signing or encryption enabled, the OpenSecureChannel messages are encrypted using an asymmetric encryption algorithm (public-key cryptography) [1]. As part of the OpenSecureChannel messages, client and server establish a common secret over an initially unsecure channel. For subsequent messages, the common secret is used for symmetric encryption, which has the advantage of being much faster.
Different SecurityPolicies – defined in part 7 of the OPC UA standard – specify the algorithms for asymmetric and symmetric encryption, encryption key lengths, hash functions for message signing, and so on. Example SecurityPolicies are
for transmission of cleartext andBasic256Sha256
which mandates a variant of RSA with SHA256 certificate hashing for asymmetric encryption and AES256 for symmetric encryption.The possible SecurityPolicies of a server are described with a list of Endpoints. An endpoint jointly defines the SecurityMode, SecurityPolicy and means for authenticating a session (discussed in the next section) in order to connect to a certain server. The GetEndpoints service returns a list of available endpoints. This service can usually be invoked without a session and from an unencrypted SecureChannel. This allows clients to first discover available endpoints and then use an appropriate SecurityPolicy that might be required to open a session.
- Session
Sessions are created on top of a SecureChannel. This ensures that users may authenticate without sending their credentials, such as username and password, in cleartext. Currently defined authentication mechanisms are anonymous login, username/password, Kerberos and x509 certificates. The latter requires that the request message is accompanied by a signature to prove that the sender is in possession of the private key with which the certificate was created.
There are two message exchanges required to establish a session: CreateSession and ActivateSession. The ActivateSession service can be used to switch an existing session to a different SecureChannel. This is important, for example when the connection broke down and the existing session is reused with a new SecureChannel.
Structure of a protocol message¶
Consider the example OPC UA binary conversation in Figure Fig. 1, recorded and displayed with Wireshark.

Fig. 1 OPC UA conversation displayed in Wireshark¶
The top part of the Wireshark window shows the messages from the conversation in order. The green line contains the applied filter. Here, we want to see the OPC UA protocol messages only. The first messages (from TCP packets 49 to 56) show the client opening an unencrypted SecureChannel and retrieving the server’s endpoints. Then, starting with packet 63, a new connection and SecureChannel are created in conformance with one of the endpoints. On top of this SecureChannel, the client can then create and activate a session. The following ReadRequest message is selected and covered in more detail in the bottom windows.
The bottom left window shows the structure of the selected ReadRequest message. The purpose of the message is invoking the Read service. The message is structured into a header and a message body. Note that we do not consider encryption or signing of messages here.
- Message Header
As stated before, OPC UA defines an asynchronous protocol. So responses may be out of order. The message header contains some basic information, such as the length of the message, as well as necessary information to relate messages to a SecureChannel and each request to the corresponding response. “Chunking” refers to the splitting and reassembling of messages that are longer than the maximum network packet size.
- Message Body
Every OPC UA service has a signature in the form of a request and response data structure. These are defined according to the OPC UA protocol type system. See especially the auto-generated type definitions for the data types corresponding to service requests and responses. The message body begins with the identifier of the following data type. Then, the main payload of the message follows.
The bottom right window shows the binary payload of the selected ReadRequest message. The message header is highlighted in light-grey. The message body in blue highlighting shows the encoded ReadRequest data structure.
In OPC UA, all communication is based on service calls, each consisting of a request and a response message. These messages are defined as data structures with a binary encoding and listed in Generated Data Type Definitions. Since all Services are pre-defined in the standard, they cannot be modified by the user. But you can use the Call service to invoke user-defined methods on the server.
Please refer to the Client and Server API where the services are exposed to end users. Please see part 4 of the OPC UA standard for the authoritative definition of the services and their behaviour.
Discovery Service Set¶
This Service Set defines Services used to discover the Endpoints implemented by a Server and to read the security configuration for those Endpoints.
- FindServers Service
Returns the Servers known to a Server or Discovery Server. The Client may reduce the number of results returned by specifying filter criteria
- GetEndpoints Service
Returns the Endpoints supported by a Server and all of the configuration information required to establish a SecureChannel and a Session.
- FindServersOnNetwork Service
Returns the Servers known to a Discovery Server. Unlike FindServer, this Service is only implemented by Discovery Servers. It additionally returns servers which may have been detected through Multicast.
- RegisterServer
Registers a remote server in the local discovery service.
- RegisterServer2
This Service allows a Server to register its DiscoveryUrls and capabilities with a Discovery Server. It extends the registration information from RegisterServer with information necessary for FindServersOnNetwork.
SecureChannel Service Set¶
This Service Set defines Services used to open a communication channel that ensures the confidentiality and Integrity of all Messages exchanged with the Server.
- OpenSecureChannel Service
Open or renew a SecureChannel that can be used to ensure Confidentiality and Integrity for Message exchange during a Session.
- CloseSecureChannel Service
Used to terminate a SecureChannel.
- Session Service Set
This Service Set defines Services for an application layer connection establishment in the context of a Session.
- CreateSession Service
Used by an OPC UA Client to create a Session and the Server returns two values which uniquely identify the Session. The first value is the sessionId which is used to identify the Session in the audit logs and in the Server’s address space. The second is the authenticationToken which is used to associate an incoming request with a Session.
- ActivateSession
Used by the Client to submit its SoftwareCertificates to the Server for validation and to specify the identity of the user associated with the Session. This Service request shall be issued by the Client before it issues any other Service request after CreateSession. Failure to do so shall cause the Server to close the Session.
- CloseSession
Used to terminate a Session.
- Cancel Service
Used to cancel outstanding Service requests. Successfully cancelled service requests shall respond with Bad_RequestCancelledByClient.
NodeManagement Service Set¶
This Service Set defines Services to add and delete AddressSpace Nodes and References between them. All added Nodes continue to exist in the AddressSpace even if the Client that created them disconnects from the Server.
- AddNodes Service
Used to add one or more Nodes into the AddressSpace hierarchy. If the type or one of the supertypes has any HasInterface references (see OPC 10001-7 - Amendment 7, 4.9.2), the child nodes of the interfaces are added to the new object.
- AddReferences Service
Used to add one or more References to one or more Nodes.
- DeleteNodes Service
Used to delete one or more Nodes from the AddressSpace.
- DeleteReferences
Used to delete one or more References of a Node.
View Service Set¶
Clients use the browse Services of the View Service Set to navigate through the AddressSpace or through a View which is a subset of the AddressSpace.
- Browse Service
Used to discover the References of a specified Node. The browse can be further limited by the use of a View. This Browse Service also supports a primitive filtering capability.
- BrowseNext Service
Used to request the next set of Browse or BrowseNext response information that is too large to be sent in a single response. “Too large” in this context means that the Server is not able to return a larger response or that the number of results to return exceeds the maximum number of results to return that was specified by the Client in the original Browse request.
- TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds Service
Used to translate textual node paths to their respective ids.
- RegisterNodes Service
Used by Clients to register the Nodes that they know they will access repeatedly (e.g. Write, Call). It allows Servers to set up anything needed so that the access operations will be more efficient.
- UnregisterNodes Service
This Service is used to unregister NodeIds that have been obtained via the RegisterNodes service.
Query Service Set¶
This Service Set is used to issue a Query to a Server. OPC UA Query is generic in that it provides an underlying storage mechanism independent Query capability that can be used to access a wide variety of OPC UA data stores and information management systems. OPC UA Query permits a Client to access data maintained by a Server without any knowledge of the logical schema used for internal storage of the data. Knowledge of the AddressSpace is sufficient.
- QueryFirst Service (not implemented)
This Service is used to issue a Query request to the Server.
- QueryNext Service (not implemented)
This Service is used to request the next set of QueryFirst or QueryNext response information that is too large to be sent in a single response.
Attribute Service Set¶
This Service Set provides Services to access Attributes that are part of Nodes.
- Read Service
Used to read attributes of nodes. For constructed attribute values whose elements are indexed, such as an array, this Service allows Clients to read the entire set of indexed values as a composite, to read individual elements or to read ranges of elements of the composite.
- Write Service
Used to write attributes of nodes. For constructed attribute values whose elements are indexed, such as an array, this Service allows Clients to write the entire set of indexed values as a composite, to write individual elements or to write ranges of elements of the composite.
- HistoryRead Service
Used to read historical values or Events of one or more Nodes. Servers may make historical values available to Clients using this Service, although the historical values themselves are not visible in the AddressSpace.
- HistoryUpdate Service
Used to update historical values or Events of one or more Nodes. Several request parameters indicate how the Server is to update the historical value or Event. Valid actions are Insert, Replace or Delete.
Method Service Set¶
The Method Service Set defines the means to invoke methods. A method shall be a component of an Object. See the section on MethodNodes for more information.
- Call Service
Used to call (invoke) a methods. Each method call is invoked within the context of an existing Session. If the Session is terminated, the results of the method’s execution cannot be returned to the Client and are discarded.
MonitoredItem Service Set¶
Clients define MonitoredItems to subscribe to data and Events. Each MonitoredItem identifies the item to be monitored and the Subscription to use to send Notifications. The item to be monitored may be any Node Attribute.
- CreateMonitoredItems Service
Used to create and add one or more MonitoredItems to a Subscription. A MonitoredItem is deleted automatically by the Server when the Subscription is deleted. Deleting a MonitoredItem causes its entire set of triggered item links to be deleted, but has no effect on the MonitoredItems referenced by the triggered items.
- DeleteMonitoredItems Service
Used to remove one or more MonitoredItems of a Subscription. When a MonitoredItem is deleted, its triggered item links are also deleted.
- ModifyMonitoredItems Service
Used to modify MonitoredItems of a Subscription. Changes to the MonitoredItem settings shall be applied immediately by the Server. They take effect as soon as practical but not later than twice the new revisedSamplingInterval.
Illegal request values for parameters that can be revised do not generate errors. Instead the server will choose default values and indicate them in the corresponding revised parameter.
- SetMonitoringMode Service
Used to set the monitoring mode for one or more MonitoredItems of a Subscription.
- SetTriggering Service
Used to create and delete triggering links for a triggering item.
Subscription Service Set¶
Subscriptions are used to report Notifications to the Client.
- CreateSubscription Service
Used to create a Subscription. Subscriptions monitor a set of MonitoredItems for Notifications and return them to the Client in response to Publish requests.
- ModifySubscription Service
Used to modify a Subscription.
- SetPublishingMode Service
Used to enable sending of Notifications on one or more Subscriptions.
- Publish Service
Used for two purposes. First, it is used to acknowledge the receipt of NotificationMessages for one or more Subscriptions. Second, it is used to request the Server to return a NotificationMessage or a keep-alive Message.
- Republish Service
Requests the Subscription to republish a NotificationMessage from its retransmission queue.
- DeleteSubscriptions Service
Invoked to delete one or more Subscriptions that belong to the Client’s Session.
- TransferSubscription Service
Used to transfer a Subscription and its MonitoredItems from one Session to another. For example, a Client may need to reopen a Session and then transfer its Subscriptions to that Session. It may also be used by one Client to take over a Subscription from another Client by transferring the Subscription to its Session.
Information Modelling¶
Information modelling in OPC UA combines concepts from object-orientation and semantic modelling. At the core, an OPC UA information model is a graph consisting of Nodes and References between them.
- Nodes
There are eight possible NodeClasses for Nodes (Variable, VariableType, Object, ObjectType, ReferenceType, DataType, Method, View). The NodeClass defines the attributes a Node can have.
- References
References are links between Nodes. References are typed (refer to a ReferenceType) and directed.
The original source for the following information is Part 3 of the OPC UA specification (
Each Node is identified by a unique (within the server) NodeId and carries different attributes depending on the NodeClass. These attributes can be read (and sometimes also written) via the OPC UA protocol. The protocol further allows the creation and deletion of Nodes and References at runtime. But this is not supported by all servers.
Reference are triples of the form (source-nodeid, referencetype-nodeid,
. (The target-nodeid
is actually an ExpandedNodeId
which is a NodeId that can additionally point to a remote server.) An example
reference between nodes is a hasTypeDefinition
reference between a Variable
and its VariableType. Some ReferenceTypes are hierarchical and must not form
directed loops. See the section on ReferenceTypes
for more details on possible references and their semantics.
The following table (adapted from Part 3 of the specification) shows which
attributes are mandatory (M
), optional (O
) or not defined for each
NodeClass. In open62541 all optional attributes are defined - with sensible
defaults if users do not change them.
Attribute |
DataType |
Variable |
VariableType |
Object |
ObjectType |
ReferenceType |
DataType |
Method |
View |
NodeId |
NodeId |
NodeClass |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
QualifiedName |
DisplayName |
LocalizedText |
Description |
LocalizedText |
WriteMask |
UInt32 (Write Masks) |
UserWriteMask |
UInt32 |
IsAbstract |
Boolean |
Symmetric |
Boolean |
InverseName |
LocalizedText |
ContainsNoLoops |
Boolean |
EventNotifier |
Byte (EventNotifier) |
Value |
Variant |
DataType |
NodeId |
ValueRank |
Int32 (ValueRank) |
ArrayDimensions |
[UInt32] |
AccessLevel |
Byte (Access Level Masks) |
UserAccessLevel |
Byte |
MinimumSamplingInterval |
Double |
Historizing |
Boolean |
Executable |
Boolean |
UserExecutable |
Boolean |
DataTypeDefinition |
DataTypeDefinition |
Each attribute is referenced by a numerical Attribute Id.
Some numerical attributes are used as bitfields or come with special semantics. In particular, see the sections on Access Level Masks, Write Masks, ValueRank and EventNotifier.
New attributes in the standard that are still unsupported in open62541 are RolePermissions, UserRolePermissions, AccessRestrictions and AccessLevelEx.
Variables store values in a DataValue together with metadata for introspection. Most notably, the attributes data type, value rank and array dimensions constrain the possible values the variable can take on.
Variables come in two flavours: properties and datavariables. Properties are
related to a parent with a hasProperty
reference and may not have child
nodes themselves. Datavariables may contain properties (hasProperty
) and
also datavariables (hasComponents
All variables are instances of some VariableTypeNode in return constraining the possible data type, value rank and array dimensions attributes.
Data Type¶
The (scalar) data type of the variable is constrained to be of a specific type or one of its children in the type hierarchy. The data type is given as a NodeId pointing to a DataTypeNode in the type hierarchy. See the Section DataTypeNode for more details.
If the data type attribute points to UInt32
, then the value attribute
must be of that exact type since UInt32
does not have children in the
type hierarchy. If the data type attribute points Number
, then the type
of the value attribute may still be UInt32
, but also Float
Consistency between the data type attribute in the variable and its VariableTypeNode is ensured.
This attribute indicates whether the value attribute of the variable is an array and how many dimensions the array has. It may have the following values:
n >= 1
: the value is an array with the specified number of dimensionsn = 0
: the value is an array with one or more dimensionsn = -1
: the value is a scalarn = -2
: the value can be a scalar or an array with any number of dimensionsn = -3
: the value can be a scalar or a one dimensional array
Some helper macros for ValueRanks are defined here.
The consistency between the value rank attribute of a VariableNode and its VariableTypeNode is tested within the server.
Array Dimensions¶
If the value rank permits the value to be a (multi-dimensional) array, the exact length in each dimensions can be further constrained with this attribute.
For positive lengths, the variable value must have a dimension length less or equal to the array dimension length defined in the VariableNode.
The dimension length zero is a wildcard and the actual value may have any length in this dimension. Note that a value (variant) must have array dimensions that are positive (not zero).
Consistency between the array dimensions attribute in the variable and its
VariableTypeNode is ensured. However, we consider that an array of
length zero (can also be a null-array with undefined length) has implicit
array dimensions [0,0,...]
. These always match the required array
VariableTypes are used to provide type definitions for variables.
VariableTypes constrain the data type, value rank and array dimensions
attributes of variable instances. Furthermore, instantiating from a specific
variable type may provide semantic information. For example, an instance from
is more meaningful than a float variable
instantiated from BaseDataVariable
Objects are used to represent systems, system components, real-world objects and software objects. Objects are instances of an object type and may contain variables, methods and further objects.
ObjectTypes provide definitions for Objects. Abstract objects cannot be instantiated. See Node Lifecycle: Constructors, Destructors and Node Contexts for the use of constructor and destructor callbacks.
Each reference between two nodes is typed with a ReferenceType that gives meaning to the relation. The OPC UA standard defines a set of ReferenceTypes as a mandatory part of OPC UA information models.
Abstract ReferenceTypes cannot be used in actual references and are only used to structure the ReferenceTypes hierarchy
Symmetric references have the same meaning from the perspective of the source and target node
The figure below shows the hierarchy of the standard ReferenceTypes (arrows
indicate a hasSubType
relation). Refer to Part 3 of the OPC UA
specification for the full semantics of each ReferenceType.
![digraph tree {
node [height=0, shape=box, fillcolor="#E5E5E5", concentrate=true]
references [label="References\n(Abstract, Symmetric)"]
hierarchical_references [label="HierarchicalReferences\n(Abstract)"]
references -> hierarchical_references
nonhierarchical_references [label="NonHierarchicalReferences\n(Abstract, Symmetric)"]
references -> nonhierarchical_references
haschild [label="HasChild\n(Abstract)"]
hierarchical_references -> haschild
aggregates [label="Aggregates\n(Abstract)"]
haschild -> aggregates
organizes [label="Organizes"]
hierarchical_references -> organizes
hascomponent [label="HasComponent"]
aggregates -> hascomponent
hasorderedcomponent [label="HasOrderedComponent"]
hascomponent -> hasorderedcomponent
hasproperty [label="HasProperty"]
aggregates -> hasproperty
hassubtype [label="HasSubtype"]
haschild -> hassubtype
hasmodellingrule [label="HasModellingRule"]
nonhierarchical_references -> hasmodellingrule
hastypedefinition [label="HasTypeDefinition"]
nonhierarchical_references -> hastypedefinition
hasencoding [label="HasEncoding"]
nonhierarchical_references -> hasencoding
hasdescription [label="HasDescription"]
nonhierarchical_references -> hasdescription
haseventsource [label="HasEventSource"]
hierarchical_references -> haseventsource
hasnotifier [label="HasNotifier"]
hierarchical_references -> hasnotifier
generatesevent [label="GeneratesEvent"]
nonhierarchical_references -> generatesevent
alwaysgeneratesevent [label="AlwaysGeneratesEvent"]
generatesevent -> alwaysgeneratesevent
{rank=same hierarchical_references nonhierarchical_references}
{rank=same generatesevent haseventsource hasmodellingrule
hasencoding hassubtype}
{rank=same alwaysgeneratesevent hasproperty}
The ReferenceType hierarchy can be extended with user-defined ReferenceTypes. Many Companion Specifications for OPC UA define new ReferenceTypes to be used in their domain of interest.
For the following example of custom ReferenceTypes, we attempt to model the
structure of a technical system. For this, we introduce two custom
ReferenceTypes. First, the hierarchical contains
ReferenceType indicates
that a system (represented by an OPC UA object) contains a component (or
subsystem). This gives rise to a tree-structure of containment relations. For
example, the motor (object) is contained in the car and the crankshaft is
contained in the motor. Second, the symmetric connectedTo
indicates that two components are connected. For example, the motor’s
crankshaft is connected to the gear box. Connections are independent of the
containment hierarchy and can induce a general graph-structure. Further
subtypes of connectedTo
could be used to differentiate between physical,
electrical and information related connections. A client can then learn the
layout of a (physical) system represented in an OPC UA information model
based on a common understanding of just two custom reference types.
DataTypes represent simple and structured data types. DataTypes may contain
arrays. But they always describe the structure of a single instance. In
open62541, DataTypeNodes in the information model hierarchy are matched to
type descriptions for Generic Type Handling via their NodeId.
Abstract DataTypes (e.g. Number
) cannot be the type of actual values.
They are used to constrain values to possible child DataTypes (e.g.
Methods define callable functions and are invoked using the Call
service. MethodNodes may have special properties (variable
children with a hasProperty
reference) with the QualifiedName (0, "InputArguments")
and (0, "OutputArguments")
. The input and output
arguments are both described via an array of UA_Argument
. While the Call
service uses a generic array of Variant for input and output, the
actual argument values are checked to match the signature of the MethodNode.
Note that the same MethodNode may be referenced from several objects (and object types). For this, the NodeId of the method and of the object providing context is part of a Call request message.
Each View defines a subset of the Nodes in the AddressSpace. Views can be used when browsing an information model to focus on a subset of nodes and references only. ViewNodes can be created and be interacted with. But their use in the Browse service is currently unsupported in open62541.