Access Control Plugin API¶
The access control callback is used to authenticate sessions and grant access rights accordingly.
The sessionId
and sessionContext
can be both NULL. This is the case
when, for example, a MonitoredItem (the underlying Subscription) is detached
from its Session but continues to run.
struct UA_AccessControl {
void *context;
void (*clear)(UA_AccessControl *ac);
/* Supported login mechanisms. The server endpoints are created from here. */
size_t userTokenPoliciesSize;
UA_UserTokenPolicy *userTokenPolicies;
/* Authenticate a session. The session context is attached to the session
* and later passed into the node-based access control callbacks. The new
* session is rejected if a StatusCode other than UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD is
* returned.
* Note that this callback can be called several times for a Session. For
* example when a Session is recovered (activated) on a new
* SecureChannel. */
UA_StatusCode (*activateSession)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_EndpointDescription *endpointDescription,
const UA_ByteString *secureChannelRemoteCertificate,
const UA_NodeId *sessionId,
const UA_ExtensionObject *userIdentityToken,
void **sessionContext);
/* Deauthenticate a session and cleanup */
void (*closeSession)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext);
/* Access control for all nodes*/
UA_UInt32 (*getUserRightsMask)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext,
const UA_NodeId *nodeId, void *nodeContext);
/* Additional access control for variable nodes */
UA_Byte (*getUserAccessLevel)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext,
const UA_NodeId *nodeId, void *nodeContext);
/* Additional access control for method nodes */
UA_Boolean (*getUserExecutable)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext,
const UA_NodeId *methodId, void *methodContext);
/* Additional access control for calling a method node in the context of a
* specific object */
UA_Boolean (*getUserExecutableOnObject)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext,
const UA_NodeId *methodId, void *methodContext,
const UA_NodeId *objectId, void *objectContext);
/* Allow adding a node */
UA_Boolean (*allowAddNode)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext,
const UA_AddNodesItem *item);
/* Allow adding a reference */
UA_Boolean (*allowAddReference)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext,
const UA_AddReferencesItem *item);
/* Allow deleting a node */
UA_Boolean (*allowDeleteNode)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext,
const UA_DeleteNodesItem *item);
/* Allow deleting a reference */
UA_Boolean (*allowDeleteReference)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext,
const UA_DeleteReferencesItem *item);
/* Allow browsing a node */
UA_Boolean (*allowBrowseNode)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext,
const UA_NodeId *nodeId, void *nodeContext);
/* Allow transfer of a subscription to another session. The Server shall
* validate that the Client of that Session is operating on behalf of the
* same user */
UA_Boolean (*allowTransferSubscription)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_NodeId *oldSessionId, void *oldSessionContext,
const UA_NodeId *newSessionId, void *newSessionContext);
/* Allow insert,replace,update of historical data */
UA_Boolean (*allowHistoryUpdateUpdateData)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext,
const UA_NodeId *nodeId,
UA_PerformUpdateType performInsertReplace,
const UA_DataValue *value);
/* Allow delete of historical data */
UA_Boolean (*allowHistoryUpdateDeleteRawModified)(UA_Server *server, UA_AccessControl *ac,
const UA_NodeId *sessionId, void *sessionContext,
const UA_NodeId *nodeId,
UA_DateTime startTimestamp,
UA_DateTime endTimestamp,
bool isDeleteModified);