Realtime Publish Example

This tutorial shows publishing and subscribing information in Realtime. This example has both Publisher and Subscriber(used as threads, running in same core), the Publisher thread publishes counterdata (an incremental data), that is subscribed by the Subscriber thread of pubsub_TSN_loopback.c example. The Publisher thread of pusbub_TSN_loopback.c publishes the received counterdata, which is subscribed by the Subscriber thread of this example. Thus a round-trip of counterdata is achieved. In a realtime system, the round-trip time of the counterdata is 4x cycletime, in this example, the round-trip time is 1ms. The flow of this communication and the trace points are given in the diagram below.

Another thread called the UserApplication thread is also used in the example, which serves the functionality of the Control loop. In this example, UserApplication threads increments the counterData, which is published by the Publisher thread and also reads the subscribed data from the Information Model and writes the updated counterdata into distinct csv files during each cycle. Buffered Network Message will be used for publishing and subscribing in the RT path. Further, DataSetField will be accessed via direct pointer access between the user interface and the Information Model.

Another additional feature called the Blocking Socket is employed in the Subscriber thread. This feature is optional and can be enabled or disabled when running application by using command line argument “-enableBlockingSocket”. When using Blocking Socket, the Subscriber thread remains in “blocking mode” until a message is received from every wake up time of the thread. In other words, the timeout is overwritten and the thread continuously waits for the message from every wake up time of the thread. Once the message is received, the Subscriber thread updates the value in the Information Model, sleeps up to wake up time and again waits for the next message. This process is repeated until the application is terminated.

To ensure realtime capabilities, Publisher uses ETF(Earliest Tx-time First) to publish information at the calculated tranmission time over Ethernet. Subscriber can be used with or without XDP(Xpress Data Processing) over Ethernet

Run step of the example is as mentioned below:

./bin/examples/pubsub_TSN_publisher -interface <interface>

For more options, run ./bin/examples/pubsub_TSN_publisher -help

/*  Trace point setup
 *             +--------------+                  +----------------+
 *          T1 | OPCUA PubSub |  T8           T5 | OPCUA loopback |  T4
 *          |  |  Application |  ^            |  |  Application   |  ^
 *          |  +--------------+  |            |  +----------------+  |
 *   User   |  |              |  |            |  |                |  |
 *   Space  |  |              |  |            |  |                |  |
 *          |  |              |  |            |  |                |  |
 *  -----------|--------------|------------------|----------------|--------
 *          |  |    Node 1    |  |            |  |     Node 2     |  |
 *   Kernel |  |              |  |            |  |                |  |
 *   Space  |  |              |  |            |  |                |  |
 *          |  |              |  |            |  |                |  |
 *          v  +--------------+  |            v  +----------------+  |
 *          T2 |  TX tcpdump  |  T7<----------T6 |   RX tcpdump   |  T3
 *          |  +--------------+                  +----------------+  ^
 *          |                                                        |
 *          ----------------------------------------------------------

#define _GNU_SOURCE

#include <sched.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <sys/io.h>
#include <getopt.h>

/* For thread operations */
#include <pthread.h>

#include <open62541/server.h>
#include <open62541/server_config_default.h>
#include <open62541/plugin/log_stdout.h>
#include <open62541/plugin/log.h>
#include <open62541/types_generated.h>
#include <open62541/plugin/pubsub_ethernet.h>

#include "ua_pubsub.h"

#include <linux/if_link.h>
#include <linux/if_xdp.h>

UA_NodeId readerGroupIdentifier;
UA_NodeId readerIdentifier;

UA_DataSetReaderConfig readerConfig;

/* to find load of each thread
 * ps -L -o pid,pri,%cpu -C pubsub_TSN_publisher */

/* Configurable Parameters */
/* These defines enables the publisher and subscriber of the OPCUA stack */
/* To run only publisher, enable PUBLISHER define alone (comment SUBSCRIBER) */
#define             PUBLISHER
/* To run only subscriber, enable SUBSCRIBER define alone (comment PUBLISHER) */
#define             SUBSCRIBER
/* Cycle time in milliseconds */
#define             DEFAULT_CYCLE_TIME                    0.25
/* Qbv offset */
#define             DEFAULT_QBV_OFFSET                    125
#define             DEFAULT_SOCKET_PRIORITY               3
#if defined(PUBLISHER)
#define             PUBLISHER_ID                          2234
#define             WRITER_GROUP_ID                       101
#define             DATA_SET_WRITER_ID                    62541
#define             DEFAULT_PUBLISHING_MAC_ADDRESS        "opc.eth://01-00-5E-7F-00-01:8.3"
#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)
#define             PUBLISHER_ID_SUB                      2235
#define             WRITER_GROUP_ID_SUB                   100
#define             DATA_SET_WRITER_ID_SUB                62541
#define             DEFAULT_SUBSCRIBING_MAC_ADDRESS       "opc.eth://01-00-5E-00-00-01:8.3"
#define             REPEATED_NODECOUNTS                   2    // Default to publish 64 bytes
#define             PORT_NUMBER                           62541
#define             DEFAULT_XDP_QUEUE                     2

/* Non-Configurable Parameters */
/* Milli sec and sec conversion to nano sec */
#define             MILLI_SECONDS                         1000 * 1000
#define             SECONDS                               1000 * 1000 * 1000
#define             SECONDS_SLEEP                         5
/* Publisher will sleep for 60% of cycle time and then prepares the */
/* transmission packet within 40% */
static UA_Double  pubWakeupPercentage     = 0.6;
/* Subscriber will wakeup only during start of cycle and check whether */
/* the packets are received */
static UA_Double  subWakeupPercentage     = 0;
/* User application Pub/Sub will wakeup at the 30% of cycle time and handles the */
/* user data such as read and write in Information model */
static UA_Double  userAppWakeupPercentage = 0.3;
/* Priority of Publisher, Subscriber, User application and server are kept */
/* after some prototyping and analyzing it */
#define             DEFAULT_PUB_SCHED_PRIORITY              78
#define             DEFAULT_SUB_SCHED_PRIORITY              81
#define             MAX_MEASUREMENTS                        1000000
#define             MAX_MEASUREMENTS_FILEWRITE              100000000
#define             DEFAULT_PUB_CORE                        2
#define             DEFAULT_SUB_CORE                        2
#define             DEFAULT_USER_APP_CORE                   3
#define             SECONDS_INCREMENT                       1
#ifndef CLOCK_TAI
#define             CLOCK_TAI                               11
#define             CLOCKID                                 CLOCK_TAI
#define             ETH_TRANSPORT_PROFILE                   ""
#define             LATENCY_CSV_FILE_NAME                   "latencyT1toT8.csv"

/* If the Hardcoded publisher/subscriber MAC addresses need to be changed,

/* Set server running as true */
UA_Boolean        runningServer        = true;
char*             pubMacAddress        = DEFAULT_PUBLISHING_MAC_ADDRESS;
char*             subMacAddress        = DEFAULT_SUBSCRIBING_MAC_ADDRESS;
static UA_Double  cycleTimeInMsec      = DEFAULT_CYCLE_TIME;
static UA_Int32   socketPriority       = DEFAULT_SOCKET_PRIORITY;
static UA_Int32   pubPriority          = DEFAULT_PUB_SCHED_PRIORITY;
static UA_Int32   subPriority          = DEFAULT_SUB_SCHED_PRIORITY;
static UA_Int32   userAppPriority      = DEFAULT_USERAPPLICATION_SCHED_PRIORITY;
static UA_Int32   pubCore              = DEFAULT_PUB_CORE;
static UA_Int32   subCore              = DEFAULT_SUB_CORE;
static UA_Int32   userAppCore          = DEFAULT_USER_APP_CORE;
static UA_Int32   qbvOffset            = DEFAULT_QBV_OFFSET;
static UA_UInt32  xdpQueue             = DEFAULT_XDP_QUEUE;
static UA_UInt32  xdpFlag              = XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE;
static UA_UInt32  xdpBindFlag          = XDP_COPY;
static UA_Boolean disableSoTxtime      = true;
static UA_Boolean enableCsvLog         = false;
static UA_Boolean enableLatencyCsvLog  = false;
static UA_Boolean consolePrint         = false;
static UA_Boolean enableBlockingSocket = false;
static UA_Boolean signalTerm           = false;
static UA_Boolean enableXdpSubscribe   = false;

/* Variables corresponding to PubSub connection creation,
 * published data set and writer group */
UA_NodeId           connectionIdent;
UA_NodeId           publishedDataSetIdent;
UA_NodeId           writerGroupIdent;
UA_NodeId           pubNodeID;
UA_NodeId           subNodeID;
UA_NodeId           pubRepeatedCountNodeID;
UA_NodeId           subRepeatedCountNodeID;
UA_NodeId           runningPubStatusNodeID;
UA_NodeId           runningSubStatusNodeID;
/* Variables for counter data handling in address space */
UA_UInt64           *pubCounterData = NULL;
UA_DataValue        *pubDataValueRT = NULL;
UA_Boolean          *runningPub = NULL;
UA_DataValue        *runningPubDataValueRT = NULL;
UA_UInt64           *repeatedCounterData[REPEATED_NODECOUNTS] = {NULL};
UA_DataValue        *repeatedDataValueRT[REPEATED_NODECOUNTS] = {NULL};

UA_UInt64           *subCounterData = NULL;
UA_DataValue        *subDataValueRT = NULL;
UA_Boolean          *runningSub = NULL;
UA_DataValue        *runningSubDataValueRT =  NULL;
UA_UInt64           *subRepeatedCounterData[REPEATED_NODECOUNTS] = {NULL};
UA_DataValue        *subRepeatedDataValueRT[REPEATED_NODECOUNTS] = {NULL};

CSV file handling

CSV files are written for Publisher and Subscriber thread. csv files include the counterdata that is being either Published or Subscribed along with the timestamp. These csv files can be used to compute latency for following combinations of Tracepoints, T1-T4 and T1-T8.

T1-T8 - Gives the Round-trip time of a counterdata, as the value published by the Publisher thread in pubsub_TSN_publisher.c example is subscribed by the Subscriber thread in pubsub_TSN_loopback.c example and is published back to the pubsub_TSN_publisher.c example

#if defined(PUBLISHER)
/* File to store the data and timestamps for different traffic */
FILE               *fpPublisher;
char               *filePublishedData      = "publisher_T1.csv";
/* Array to store published counter data */
UA_UInt64           publishCounterValue[MAX_MEASUREMENTS];
size_t              measurementsPublisher  = 0;
/* Array to store timestamp */
struct timespec     publishTimestamp[MAX_MEASUREMENTS];
/* Thread for publisher */
pthread_t           pubthreadID;
struct timespec     dataModificationTime;

#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)
/* File to store the data and timestamps for different traffic */
FILE               *fpSubscriber;
char               *fileSubscribedData     = "subscriber_T8.csv";
/* Array to store subscribed counter data */
UA_UInt64           subscribeCounterValue[MAX_MEASUREMENTS];
size_t              measurementsSubscriber = 0;
/* Array to store timestamp */
struct timespec     subscribeTimestamp[MAX_MEASUREMENTS];
/* Thread for subscriber */
pthread_t           subthreadID;
/* Variable for PubSub connection creation */
UA_NodeId           connectionIdentSubscriber;
struct timespec     dataReceiveTime;

/* Thread for user application*/
pthread_t           userApplicationThreadID;

/* Base time handling for the threads */
struct timespec     threadBaseTime;
UA_Boolean          baseTimeCalculated = false;

typedef struct {
UA_Server*                   ServerRun;
} serverConfigStruct;

/* Structure to define thread parameters */
typedef struct {
UA_Server*                   server;
void*                        data;
UA_ServerCallback            callback;
UA_Duration                  interval_ms;
UA_UInt64*                   callbackId;
} threadArg;

Function calls for different threads

/* Publisher thread routine for ETF */
void *publisherETF(void *arg);
/* Subscriber thread routine */
void *subscriber(void *arg);
/* User application thread routine */
void *userApplicationPubSub(void *arg);
/* For adding nodes in the server information model */
static void addServerNodes(UA_Server *server);
/* For deleting the nodes created */
static void removeServerNodes(UA_Server *server);
/* To create multi-threads */
static pthread_t threadCreation(UA_Int16 threadPriority, size_t coreAffinity, void *(*thread)(void *),
                                char *applicationName, void *serverConfig);

/* Stop signal */
static void stopHandler(int sign) {
    UA_LOG_INFO(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "received ctrl-c");
    signalTerm = true;

Nanosecond field handling

Nanosecond field in timespec is checked for overflowing and one second is added to seconds field and nanosecond field is set to zero

    while(timeSpecValue->tv_nsec > (SECONDS -1)) {
        /* Move to next second and remove it from ns field */
        timeSpecValue->tv_sec  += SECONDS_INCREMENT;
        timeSpecValue->tv_nsec -= SECONDS;


Custom callback handling

Custom callback thread handling overwrites the default timer based callback function with the custom (user-specified) callback interval.

/* Add a callback for cyclic repetition */
static UA_StatusCode
addPubSubApplicationCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId identifier,
                             UA_ServerCallback callback,
                             void *data, UA_Double interval_ms,
                             UA_DateTime *baseTime, UA_TimerPolicy timerPolicy,
                             UA_UInt64 *callbackId) {
    /* Initialize arguments required for the thread to run */
    threadArg *threadArguments = (threadArg *) UA_malloc(sizeof(threadArg));

    /* Pass the value required for the threads */
    threadArguments->server      = server;
    threadArguments->data        = data;
    threadArguments->callback    = callback;
    threadArguments->interval_ms = interval_ms;
    threadArguments->callbackId  = callbackId;

    /* Check the writer group identifier and create the thread accordingly */
    if(UA_NodeId_equal(&identifier, &writerGroupIdent)) {
#if defined(PUBLISHER)
        /* Create the publisher thread with the required priority and core affinity */
        char threadNamePub[10] = "Publisher";
        *callbackId = threadCreation((UA_Int16)pubPriority, (size_t)pubCore,
                                     publisherETF, threadNamePub, threadArguments);
                    "Publisher thread callback Id: %ld\n", *callbackId);
    else {
#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)
        /* Create the subscriber thread with the required priority and core affinity */
        char threadNameSub[11] = "Subscriber";
        *callbackId = threadCreation((UA_Int16)subPriority, (size_t)subCore,
                                     subscriber, threadNameSub, threadArguments);
                    "Subscriber thread callback Id: %ld\n", *callbackId);


static UA_StatusCode
changePubSubApplicationCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId identifier,
                                UA_UInt64 callbackId, UA_Double interval_ms,
                                UA_DateTime *baseTime, UA_TimerPolicy timerPolicy) {
    /* Callback interval need not be modified as it is thread based implementation.
     * The thread uses nanosleep for calculating cycle time and modification in
     * nanosleep value changes cycle time */

/* Remove the callback added for cyclic repetition */
static void
removePubSubApplicationCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId identifier,
                                UA_UInt64 callbackId) {
    if(callbackId && (pthread_join(callbackId, NULL) != 0))
                       "Pthread Join Failed thread: %ld\n", callbackId);

External data source handling

If the external data source is written over the information model, the externalDataWriteCallback will be triggered. The user has to take care and assure that the write leads not to synchronization issues and race conditions.

static UA_StatusCode
externalDataWriteCallback(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId,
                          void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeId,
                          void *nodeContext, const UA_NumericRange *range,
                          const UA_DataValue *data){
    //node values are updated by using variables in the memory
    //UA_Server_write is not used for updating node values.

static UA_StatusCode
externalDataReadNotificationCallback(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId *sessionId,
                                     void *sessionContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeid,
                                     void *nodeContext, const UA_NumericRange *range){
    //allow read without any preparation


Create connection, readergroup, datasetreader, subscribedvariables for the Subscriber thread.

#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)
static void
addPubSubConnectionSubscriber(UA_Server *server,
                              UA_NetworkAddressUrlDataType *networkAddressUrlSubscriber){
    UA_StatusCode    retval                                 = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
    /* Details about the connection configuration and handling are located
     * in the pubsub connection tutorial */
    UA_PubSubConnectionConfig connectionConfig;
    memset(&connectionConfig, 0, sizeof(connectionConfig));                                   = UA_STRING("Subscriber Connection");
    connectionConfig.enabled                                = true;

    UA_KeyValuePair connectionOptions[4];
    connectionOptions[0].key                  = UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(0, "enableXdpSocket");
    UA_Boolean enableXdp                      = enableXdpSubscribe;
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&connectionOptions[0].value, &enableXdp, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN]);
    connectionOptions[1].key                  = UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(0, "xdpflag");
    UA_UInt32 flags                           = xdpFlag;
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&connectionOptions[1].value, &flags, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT32]);
    connectionOptions[2].key                  = UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(0, "hwreceivequeue");
    UA_UInt32 rxqueue                         = xdpQueue;
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&connectionOptions[2].value, &rxqueue, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT32]);
    connectionOptions[3].key                  = UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(0, "xdpbindflag");
    UA_UInt32 bindflags                       = xdpBindFlag;
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&connectionOptions[3].value, &bindflags, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT16]);
    connectionConfig.connectionProperties     = connectionOptions;
    connectionConfig.connectionPropertiesSize = 4;

    UA_NetworkAddressUrlDataType networkAddressUrlsubscribe = *networkAddressUrlSubscriber;
    connectionConfig.transportProfileUri = UA_STRING(ETH_TRANSPORT_PROFILE);
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&connectionConfig.address, &networkAddressUrlsubscribe, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_NETWORKADDRESSURLDATATYPE]);
    connectionConfig.publisherId.numeric = UA_UInt32_random();
    retval |= UA_Server_addPubSubConnection(server, &connectionConfig, &connectionIdentSubscriber);
    if(retval == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
                     "The PubSub Connection was created successfully!");

/* Add ReaderGroup to the created connection */
static void
addReaderGroup(UA_Server *server) {
    if(server == NULL)

    UA_ReaderGroupConfig readerGroupConfig;
    memset(&readerGroupConfig, 0, sizeof(UA_ReaderGroupConfig));    = UA_STRING("ReaderGroup1");
    readerGroupConfig.rtLevel = UA_PUBSUB_RT_FIXED_SIZE;

    readerGroupConfig.subscribingInterval = cycleTimeInMsec;
    /* Timeout is modified when blocking socket is enabled, and the default
     * timeout is used when blocking socket is disabled */
    if(enableBlockingSocket == false)
        readerGroupConfig.timeout = 50;  // As we run in 250us cycle time, modify default timeout (1ms) to 50us
    else {
        readerGroupConfig.enableBlockingSocket = true;
        readerGroupConfig.timeout = 0;  //Blocking  socket

    readerGroupConfig.pubsubManagerCallback.addCustomCallback = addPubSubApplicationCallback;
    readerGroupConfig.pubsubManagerCallback.changeCustomCallback = changePubSubApplicationCallback;
    readerGroupConfig.pubsubManagerCallback.removeCustomCallback = removePubSubApplicationCallback;

    UA_Server_addReaderGroup(server, connectionIdentSubscriber, &readerGroupConfig,

/* Set SubscribedDataSet type to TargetVariables data type
 * Add SubscriberCounter variable to the DataSetReader */
static void
addSubscribedVariables(UA_Server *server) {
    UA_Int32 iterator = 0;
    UA_Int32 iteratorRepeatedCount = 0;
    if(server == NULL) {

    UA_FieldTargetVariable *targetVars = (UA_FieldTargetVariable*)
        UA_calloc((REPEATED_NODECOUNTS + 2), sizeof(UA_FieldTargetVariable));
    if(!targetVars) {
                     "FieldTargetVariable - Bad out of memory");

    runningSub = UA_Boolean_new();
    if(!runningSub) {
                     "runningsub - Bad out of memory");

    *runningSub = true;
    runningSubDataValueRT = UA_DataValue_new();
    if(!runningSubDataValueRT) {
                     "runningsubDataValue - Bad out of memory");

    UA_Variant_setScalar(&runningSubDataValueRT->value, runningSub, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN]);
    runningSubDataValueRT->hasValue = true;
    /* Set the value backend of the above create node to 'external value source' */
    UA_ValueBackend runningSubvalueBackend;
    runningSubvalueBackend.backendType = UA_VALUEBACKENDTYPE_EXTERNAL;
    runningSubvalueBackend.backend.external.value = &runningSubDataValueRT;
    runningSubvalueBackend.backend.external.callback.userWrite = externalDataWriteCallback;
    runningSubvalueBackend.backend.external.callback.notificationRead = externalDataReadNotificationCallback;
    UA_Server_setVariableNode_valueBackend(server, UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(1, (UA_UInt32)30000), runningSubvalueBackend);

    targetVars[iterator].targetVariable.attributeId  = UA_ATTRIBUTEID_VALUE;
    targetVars[iterator].targetVariable.targetNodeId = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(1, (UA_UInt32)30000);
    /* For creating Targetvariable */
    for(iterator = 1, iteratorRepeatedCount = 0; iterator <= REPEATED_NODECOUNTS; iterator++, iteratorRepeatedCount++)
        subRepeatedCounterData[iteratorRepeatedCount] = UA_UInt64_new();
        if(!subRepeatedCounterData[iteratorRepeatedCount]) {
                         "SubscribeRepeatedCounterData - Bad out of memory");

       *subRepeatedCounterData[iteratorRepeatedCount] = 0;
       subRepeatedDataValueRT[iteratorRepeatedCount] = UA_DataValue_new();
       if(!subRepeatedDataValueRT[iteratorRepeatedCount]) {
                         "SubscribeRepeatedCounterDataValue - Bad out of memory");

                             subRepeatedCounterData[iteratorRepeatedCount], &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT64]);
        subRepeatedDataValueRT[iteratorRepeatedCount]->hasValue = true;

        /* Set the value backend of the above create node to 'external value source' */
        UA_ValueBackend valueBackend;
        valueBackend.backendType = UA_VALUEBACKENDTYPE_EXTERNAL;
        valueBackend.backend.external.value = &subRepeatedDataValueRT[iteratorRepeatedCount];
        valueBackend.backend.external.callback.userWrite = externalDataWriteCallback;
        valueBackend.backend.external.callback.notificationRead = externalDataReadNotificationCallback;
        UA_Server_setVariableNode_valueBackend(server, UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(1, (UA_UInt32)iteratorRepeatedCount+50000), valueBackend);

        targetVars[iterator].targetVariable.attributeId  = UA_ATTRIBUTEID_VALUE;
        targetVars[iterator].targetVariable.targetNodeId = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(1, (UA_UInt32)iteratorRepeatedCount + 50000);

    subCounterData = UA_UInt64_new();
    if(!subCounterData) {
        UA_LOG_ERROR(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "SubscribeCounterData - Bad out of memory");

    *subCounterData = 0;
    subDataValueRT = UA_DataValue_new();
    if(!subDataValueRT) {
        UA_LOG_ERROR(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "SubscribeDataValue - Bad out of memory");

    UA_Variant_setScalar(&subDataValueRT->value, subCounterData, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT64]);
    subDataValueRT->hasValue = true;

    /* Set the value backend of the above create node to 'external value source' */
    UA_ValueBackend valueBackend;
    valueBackend.backendType = UA_VALUEBACKENDTYPE_EXTERNAL;
    valueBackend.backend.external.value = &subDataValueRT;
    valueBackend.backend.external.callback.userWrite = externalDataWriteCallback;
    valueBackend.backend.external.callback.notificationRead = externalDataReadNotificationCallback;
    UA_Server_setVariableNode_valueBackend(server, subNodeID, valueBackend);

    targetVars[iterator].targetVariable.attributeId  = UA_ATTRIBUTEID_VALUE;
    targetVars[iterator].targetVariable.targetNodeId = subNodeID;

    /* Set the subscribed data to TargetVariable type */
    readerConfig.subscribedDataSetType = UA_PUBSUB_SDS_TARGET;
    readerConfig.subscribedDataSet.subscribedDataSetTarget.targetVariables = targetVars;
    readerConfig.subscribedDataSet.subscribedDataSetTarget.targetVariablesSize = REPEATED_NODECOUNTS + 2;

/* Add DataSetReader to the ReaderGroup */
static void
addDataSetReader(UA_Server *server) {
    UA_Int32 iterator = 0;
    if(server == NULL) {

    memset(&readerConfig, 0, sizeof(UA_DataSetReaderConfig));                 = UA_STRING("DataSet Reader 1");
    UA_UInt16 publisherIdentifier     = PUBLISHER_ID_SUB;
    readerConfig.publisherId.type     = &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT16];     = &publisherIdentifier;
    readerConfig.writerGroupId        = WRITER_GROUP_ID_SUB;
    readerConfig.dataSetWriterId      = DATA_SET_WRITER_ID_SUB;

    readerConfig.messageSettings.encoding = UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_DECODED;
    readerConfig.messageSettings.content.decoded.type = &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UADPDATASETREADERMESSAGEDATATYPE];
    UA_UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType *dataSetReaderMessage = UA_UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType_new();
    dataSetReaderMessage->networkMessageContentMask =
        (UA_UadpNetworkMessageContentMask)UA_UADPNETWORKMESSAGECONTENTMASK_PAYLOADHEADER); = dataSetReaderMessage;

    /* Setting up Meta data configuration in DataSetReader */
    UA_DataSetMetaDataType *pMetaData = &readerConfig.dataSetMetaData;
    /* FilltestMetadata function in subscriber implementation */
    pMetaData->name                   = UA_STRING("DataSet Test");
    /* Static definition of number of fields size to 1 to create one
       targetVariable */
    pMetaData->fieldsSize             = REPEATED_NODECOUNTS + 2;
    pMetaData->fields                 = (UA_FieldMetaData*)
        UA_Array_new(pMetaData->fieldsSize, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_FIELDMETADATA]);

    /* Boolean DataType */
    UA_FieldMetaData_init (&pMetaData->fields[iterator]);
    UA_NodeId_copy (&UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN].typeId,
    pMetaData->fields[iterator].builtInType = UA_NS0ID_BOOLEAN;
    pMetaData->fields[iterator].valueRank   = -1; /* scalar */
    for(iterator = 1; iterator <= REPEATED_NODECOUNTS; iterator++) {
        pMetaData->fields[iterator].builtInType = UA_NS0ID_UINT64;
        pMetaData->fields[iterator].valueRank   = -1; /* scalar */

    /* Unsigned Integer DataType */
    pMetaData->fields[iterator].builtInType = UA_NS0ID_UINT64;
    pMetaData->fields[iterator].valueRank   = -1; /* scalar */

    /* Setup Target Variables in DSR config */

    /* Setting up Meta data configuration in DataSetReader */
    UA_Server_addDataSetReader(server, readerGroupIdentifier, &readerConfig,


#if defined(PUBLISHER)


Create connection, writergroup, datasetwriter and publisheddataset for Publisher thread.

static void
addPubSubConnection(UA_Server *server, UA_NetworkAddressUrlDataType *networkAddressUrlPub){
    /* Details about the connection configuration and handling are located
     * in the pubsub connection tutorial */
    UA_PubSubConnectionConfig connectionConfig;
    memset(&connectionConfig, 0, sizeof(connectionConfig));                                   = UA_STRING("Publisher Connection");
    connectionConfig.enabled                                = true;
    UA_NetworkAddressUrlDataType networkAddressUrl          = *networkAddressUrlPub;
    connectionConfig.transportProfileUri                    = UA_STRING(ETH_TRANSPORT_PROFILE);
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&connectionConfig.address, &networkAddressUrl,
    connectionConfig.publisherId.numeric                    = PUBLISHER_ID;
    /* Connection options are given as Key/Value Pairs - Sockprio and Txtime */
    UA_KeyValuePair connectionOptions[2];
    connectionOptions[0].key                  = UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(0, "sockpriority");
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&connectionOptions[0].value, &socketPriority, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT32]);
    connectionOptions[1].key                  = UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(0, "enablesotxtime");
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&connectionOptions[1].value, &disableSoTxtime, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN]);
    connectionConfig.connectionProperties     = connectionOptions;
    connectionConfig.connectionPropertiesSize = 2;

    UA_Server_addPubSubConnection(server, &connectionConfig, &connectionIdent);

/* PublishedDataSet handling */
static void
addPublishedDataSet(UA_Server *server) {
    UA_PublishedDataSetConfig publishedDataSetConfig;
    memset(&publishedDataSetConfig, 0, sizeof(UA_PublishedDataSetConfig));
    publishedDataSetConfig.publishedDataSetType = UA_PUBSUB_DATASET_PUBLISHEDITEMS;                 = UA_STRING("Demo PDS");
    UA_Server_addPublishedDataSet(server, &publishedDataSetConfig, &publishedDataSetIdent);

/* DataSetField handling */
static void
addDataSetField(UA_Server *server) {
    /* Add a field to the previous created PublishedDataSet */
    UA_NodeId dataSetFieldIdentRepeated;
    UA_DataSetFieldConfig dataSetFieldConfig;
    staticValueSource = UA_DataValue_new();

    UA_NodeId dataSetFieldIdentRunning;
    UA_DataSetFieldConfig dsfConfigPubStatus;
    memset(&dsfConfigPubStatus, 0, sizeof(UA_DataSetFieldConfig));

    runningPub = UA_Boolean_new();
    if(!runningPub) {
        UA_LOG_ERROR(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "runningPub - Bad out of memory");

    *runningPub = true;
    runningPubDataValueRT = UA_DataValue_new();
    if(!runningPubDataValueRT) {
        UA_LOG_ERROR(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "runningPubDataValue - Bad out of memory");

    UA_Variant_setScalar(&runningPubDataValueRT->value, runningPub, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN]);
    runningPubDataValueRT->hasValue = true;

    /* Set the value backend of the above create node to 'external value source' */
    UA_ValueBackend runningPubvalueBackend;
    runningPubvalueBackend.backendType = UA_VALUEBACKENDTYPE_EXTERNAL;
    runningPubvalueBackend.backend.external.value = &runningPubDataValueRT;
    runningPubvalueBackend.backend.external.callback.userWrite = externalDataWriteCallback;
    runningPubvalueBackend.backend.external.callback.notificationRead = externalDataReadNotificationCallback;
    UA_Server_setVariableNode_valueBackend(server, UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(1, (UA_UInt32)20000), runningPubvalueBackend);

    /* setup RT DataSetField config */
    dsfConfigPubStatus.field.variable.rtValueSource.rtInformationModelNode = true;
    dsfConfigPubStatus.field.variable.publishParameters.publishedVariable = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(1, (UA_UInt32)20000);

    UA_Server_addDataSetField(server, publishedDataSetIdent, &dsfConfigPubStatus, &dataSetFieldIdentRunning);

    for(UA_Int32 iterator = 0; iterator <  REPEATED_NODECOUNTS; iterator++)
       memset(&dataSetFieldConfig, 0, sizeof(UA_DataSetFieldConfig));

       repeatedCounterData[iterator] = UA_UInt64_new();
       if(!repeatedCounterData[iterator]) {
           UA_LOG_ERROR(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "PublishRepeatedCounter - Bad out of memory");

       *repeatedCounterData[iterator] = 0;
       repeatedDataValueRT[iterator] = UA_DataValue_new();
       if(!repeatedDataValueRT[iterator]) {
           UA_LOG_ERROR(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "PublishRepeatedCounterDataValue - Bad out of memory");

       UA_Variant_setScalar(&repeatedDataValueRT[iterator]->value, repeatedCounterData[iterator], &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT64]);
       repeatedDataValueRT[iterator]->hasValue = true;

       /* Set the value backend of the above create node to 'external value source' */
       UA_ValueBackend valueBackend;
       valueBackend.backendType = UA_VALUEBACKENDTYPE_EXTERNAL;
       valueBackend.backend.external.value = &repeatedDataValueRT[iterator];
       valueBackend.backend.external.callback.userWrite = externalDataWriteCallback;
       valueBackend.backend.external.callback.notificationRead = externalDataReadNotificationCallback;
       UA_Server_setVariableNode_valueBackend(server, UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(1, (UA_UInt32)iterator+10000), valueBackend);

       /* setup RT DataSetField config */
       dataSetFieldConfig.field.variable.rtValueSource.rtInformationModelNode = true;
       dataSetFieldConfig.field.variable.publishParameters.publishedVariable = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(1, (UA_UInt32)iterator+10000);
       UA_Server_addDataSetField(server, publishedDataSetIdent, &dataSetFieldConfig, &dataSetFieldIdentRepeated);

    UA_NodeId dataSetFieldIdent;
    UA_DataSetFieldConfig dsfConfig;
    memset(&dsfConfig, 0, sizeof(UA_DataSetFieldConfig));

    pubCounterData = UA_UInt64_new();
    if(!pubCounterData) {
        UA_LOG_ERROR(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "PublishCounter - Bad out of memory");

    *pubCounterData = 0;
    pubDataValueRT = UA_DataValue_new();
    if(!pubDataValueRT) {
        UA_LOG_ERROR(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "PublishDataValue - Bad out of memory");

    UA_Variant_setScalar(&pubDataValueRT->value, pubCounterData, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT64]);
    pubDataValueRT->hasValue = true;

    /* Set the value backend of the above create node to 'external value source' */
    UA_ValueBackend valueBackend;
    valueBackend.backendType = UA_VALUEBACKENDTYPE_EXTERNAL;
    valueBackend.backend.external.value = &pubDataValueRT;
    valueBackend.backend.external.callback.userWrite = externalDataWriteCallback;
    valueBackend.backend.external.callback.notificationRead = externalDataReadNotificationCallback;
    UA_Server_setVariableNode_valueBackend(server, pubNodeID, valueBackend);

    /* setup RT DataSetField config */
    dsfConfig.field.variable.rtValueSource.rtInformationModelNode = true;
    dsfConfig.field.variable.publishParameters.publishedVariable = pubNodeID;

    UA_Server_addDataSetField(server, publishedDataSetIdent, &dsfConfig, &dataSetFieldIdent);


/* WriterGroup handling */
static void
addWriterGroup(UA_Server *server) {
    UA_WriterGroupConfig writerGroupConfig;
    memset(&writerGroupConfig, 0, sizeof(UA_WriterGroupConfig));               = UA_STRING("Demo WriterGroup");
    writerGroupConfig.publishingInterval = cycleTimeInMsec;
    writerGroupConfig.enabled            = false;
    writerGroupConfig.encodingMimeType   = UA_PUBSUB_ENCODING_UADP;
    writerGroupConfig.writerGroupId      = WRITER_GROUP_ID;
    writerGroupConfig.rtLevel            = UA_PUBSUB_RT_FIXED_SIZE;

    writerGroupConfig.pubsubManagerCallback.addCustomCallback = addPubSubApplicationCallback;
    writerGroupConfig.pubsubManagerCallback.changeCustomCallback = changePubSubApplicationCallback;
    writerGroupConfig.pubsubManagerCallback.removeCustomCallback = removePubSubApplicationCallback;

    writerGroupConfig.messageSettings.encoding             = UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_DECODED;
    writerGroupConfig.messageSettings.content.decoded.type = &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UADPWRITERGROUPMESSAGEDATATYPE];
    /* The configuration flags for the messages are encapsulated inside the
     * message- and transport settings extension objects. These extension
     * objects are defined by the standard. e.g.
     * UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType */
    UA_UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType *writerGroupMessage  = UA_UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType_new();
    /* Change message settings of writerGroup to send PublisherId,
     * WriterGroupId in GroupHeader and DataSetWriterId in PayloadHeader
     * of NetworkMessage */
    writerGroupMessage->networkMessageContentMask =
        (UA_UadpNetworkMessageContentMask)UA_UADPNETWORKMESSAGECONTENTMASK_PAYLOADHEADER); = writerGroupMessage;
    UA_Server_addWriterGroup(server, connectionIdent, &writerGroupConfig, &writerGroupIdent);
    UA_Server_setWriterGroupOperational(server, writerGroupIdent);

/* DataSetWriter handling */
static void
addDataSetWriter(UA_Server *server) {
    UA_NodeId dataSetWriterIdent;
    UA_DataSetWriterConfig dataSetWriterConfig;
    memset(&dataSetWriterConfig, 0, sizeof(UA_DataSetWriterConfig));            = UA_STRING("Demo DataSetWriter");
    dataSetWriterConfig.dataSetWriterId = DATA_SET_WRITER_ID;
    dataSetWriterConfig.keyFrameCount   = 10;
    UA_Server_addDataSetWriter(server, writerGroupIdent, publishedDataSetIdent,
                               &dataSetWriterConfig, &dataSetWriterIdent);

Published data handling

The published data is updated in the array using this function.

#if defined(PUBLISHER)
static void
updateMeasurementsPublisher(struct timespec start_time,
                            UA_UInt64 counterValue) {
    if(measurementsPublisher >= MAX_MEASUREMENTS) {
                    "Publisher: Maximum log measurements reached - Closing the application");
        signalTerm = true;

                    "Pub:%ld,%ld.%09ld\n", counterValue, start_time.tv_sec, start_time.tv_nsec);

    if(signalTerm != true){
        publishTimestamp[measurementsPublisher]        = start_time;
        publishCounterValue[measurementsPublisher]     = counterValue;
#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)

Subscribed data handling

The subscribed data is updated in the array using this function Subscribed data handling.

static void
updateMeasurementsSubscriber(struct timespec receive_time,
                             UA_UInt64 counterValue) {
    if(measurementsSubscriber >= MAX_MEASUREMENTS) {
                    "Subscriber: Maximum log measurements reached - Closing the application");
        signalTerm = true;

        UA_LOG_INFO(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_USERLAND, "Sub:%ld,%ld.%09ld\n",
                    counterValue, receive_time.tv_sec, receive_time.tv_nsec);

    if(signalTerm != true)
        subscribeTimestamp[measurementsSubscriber]     = receive_time;
        subscribeCounterValue[measurementsSubscriber]  = counterValue;

Publisher thread routine

This is the Publisher thread that sleeps for 60% of the cycletime (250us) and prepares the tranmission packet within 40% of cycletime. The priority of this thread is lower than the priority of the Subscriber thread, so the subscriber thread executes first during every cycle. The data published by this thread in one cycle is subscribed by the subscriber thread of pubsub_TSN_loopback in the next cycle(two cycle timing model).

The publisherETF function is the routine used by the publisher thread.

void *publisherETF(void *arg) {
    struct timespec   nextnanosleeptime;
    UA_ServerCallback pubCallback;
    UA_Server*        server;
    UA_WriterGroup*   currentWriterGroup; // TODO: Remove WriterGroup Usage
    UA_UInt64         interval_ns;
    UA_UInt64         transmission_time;

    threadArg *threadArgumentsPublisher = (threadArg *)arg;
    server                              = threadArgumentsPublisher->server;
    pubCallback                         = threadArgumentsPublisher->callback;
    currentWriterGroup                  = (UA_WriterGroup *)threadArgumentsPublisher->data;
    interval_ns                         = (UA_UInt64)(threadArgumentsPublisher->interval_ms * MILLI_SECONDS);
    /* Verify whether baseTime has already been calculated */
    if(!baseTimeCalculated) {
        /* Get current time and compute the next nanosleeptime */
        clock_gettime(CLOCKID, &threadBaseTime);
        /* Variable to nano Sleep until SECONDS_SLEEP second boundary */
        threadBaseTime.tv_sec  += SECONDS_SLEEP;
        threadBaseTime.tv_nsec  = 0;
        baseTimeCalculated = true;

    nextnanosleeptime.tv_sec  = threadBaseTime.tv_sec;
    /* Modify the nanosecond field to wake up at the pubWakeUp percentage */
    nextnanosleeptime.tv_nsec = threadBaseTime.tv_nsec +
        (__syscall_slong_t)(cycleTimeInMsec * MILLI_SECONDS * pubWakeupPercentage);

    /* Define Ethernet ETF transport settings */
    UA_EthernetWriterGroupTransportDataType ethernettransportSettings;
    memset(&ethernettransportSettings, 0, sizeof(UA_EthernetWriterGroupTransportDataType));
    ethernettransportSettings.transmission_time = 0;

    /* Encapsulate ETF config in transportSettings */
    UA_ExtensionObject transportSettings;
    memset(&transportSettings, 0, sizeof(UA_ExtensionObject));
    /* TODO: transportSettings encoding and type to be defined */ = &ethernettransportSettings;
    currentWriterGroup->config.transportSettings = transportSettings;
    UA_UInt64 roundOffCycleTime = (UA_UInt64)((cycleTimeInMsec * MILLI_SECONDS) -
                                              (cycleTimeInMsec * MILLI_SECONDS * pubWakeupPercentage));

    while(*runningPub) {
        /* The Publisher threads wakes up at the configured publisher wake up
         * percentage (60%) of each cycle */
        clock_nanosleep(CLOCKID, TIMER_ABSTIME, &nextnanosleeptime, NULL);
        /* Whenever Ctrl + C pressed, publish running boolean as false to stop
         * the subscriber before terminating the application */
        if(signalTerm == true)
            *runningPub = false;

        /* Calculation of transmission time using the configured qbv offset by
         * the user - Will be handled by publishingOffset in the future */
        transmission_time = ((UA_UInt64)nextnanosleeptime.tv_sec * SECONDS + (UA_UInt64)nextnanosleeptime.tv_nsec) +
            roundOffCycleTime + (UA_UInt64)(qbvOffset * 1000);
        ethernettransportSettings.transmission_time = transmission_time;
        /* Publish the data using the pubcallback - UA_WriterGroup_publishCallback() */
        pubCallback(server, currentWriterGroup);
        /* Calculation of the next wake up time by adding the interval with the previous wake up time */
        nextnanosleeptime.tv_nsec += (__syscall_slong_t)interval_ns;

    return NULL;

#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)

Subscriber thread routine

This Subscriber thread will wakeup during the start of cycle at 250us interval and check if the packets are received. Subscriber thread has the highest priority. This Subscriber thread subscribes to the data published by the Publisher thread of pubsub_TSN_loopback in the previous cycle. The subscriber function is the routine used by the subscriber thread.

void *subscriber(void *arg) {
    UA_Server*        server;
    void*             currentReaderGroup;
    UA_ServerCallback subCallback;
    struct timespec   nextnanosleeptimeSub;
    UA_UInt64         subInterval_ns;

    threadArg *threadArgumentsSubscriber = (threadArg *)arg;
    server             = threadArgumentsSubscriber->server;
    subCallback        = threadArgumentsSubscriber->callback;
    currentReaderGroup = threadArgumentsSubscriber->data;
    subInterval_ns     = (UA_UInt64)(threadArgumentsSubscriber->interval_ms * MILLI_SECONDS);
    /* Verify whether baseTime has already been calculated */
    if(!baseTimeCalculated) {
        /* Get current time and compute the next nanosleeptime */
        clock_gettime(CLOCKID, &threadBaseTime);
        /* Variable to nano Sleep until SECONDS_SLEEP second boundary */
        threadBaseTime.tv_sec  += SECONDS_SLEEP;
        threadBaseTime.tv_nsec  = 0;
        baseTimeCalculated = true;

    nextnanosleeptimeSub.tv_sec  = threadBaseTime.tv_sec;
    /* Modify the nanosecond field to wake up at the subWakeUp percentage */
    nextnanosleeptimeSub.tv_nsec = threadBaseTime.tv_nsec +
        (__syscall_slong_t)(cycleTimeInMsec * MILLI_SECONDS * subWakeupPercentage);
    while(*runningSub) {
        /* The Subscriber threads wakes up at the configured subscriber wake up percentage (0%) of each cycle */
        clock_nanosleep(CLOCKID, TIMER_ABSTIME, &nextnanosleeptimeSub, NULL);
        /* Receive and process the incoming data using the subcallback - UA_ReaderGroup_subscribeCallback() */
        subCallback(server, currentReaderGroup);
        /* Calculation of the next wake up time by adding the interval with the previous wake up time */
        nextnanosleeptimeSub.tv_nsec += (__syscall_slong_t)subInterval_ns;

        /* Whenever Ctrl + C pressed, modify the runningSub boolean to false to end this while loop */
        if(signalTerm == true)
            *runningSub = false;

    /* While ctrl+c is provided in publisher side then loopback application
     * need to be closed by after sending *running=0 for subscriber T4 */
    if(*runningSub == false)
        signalTerm = true;

    runningServer = false;
    return NULL;

#if defined(PUBLISHER) || defined(SUBSCRIBER)

UserApplication thread routine

The userapplication thread will wakeup at 30% of cycle time and handles the userdata(read and write in Information Model). This thread serves the purpose of a Control loop, which is used to increment the counterdata to be published by the Publisher thread and read the data from Information Model for the Subscriber thread and writes the updated counterdata in distinct csv files for both threads.

void *userApplicationPubSub(void *arg) {
    UA_UInt64  repeatedCounterValue = 10;
    struct timespec nextnanosleeptimeUserApplication;
    /* Verify whether baseTime has already been calculated */
    if(!baseTimeCalculated) {
        /* Get current time and compute the next nanosleeptime */
        clock_gettime(CLOCKID, &threadBaseTime);
        /* Variable to nano Sleep until SECONDS_SLEEP second boundary */
        threadBaseTime.tv_sec  += SECONDS_SLEEP;
        threadBaseTime.tv_nsec  = 0;
        baseTimeCalculated = true;

    nextnanosleeptimeUserApplication.tv_sec  = threadBaseTime.tv_sec;
    /* Modify the nanosecond field to wake up at the userAppWakeUp percentage */
    nextnanosleeptimeUserApplication.tv_nsec = threadBaseTime.tv_nsec +
        (__syscall_slong_t)(cycleTimeInMsec * MILLI_SECONDS * userAppWakeupPercentage);
    *pubCounterData      = 0;
    for(UA_Int32 iterator = 0; iterator <  REPEATED_NODECOUNTS; iterator++) {
        *repeatedCounterData[iterator] = repeatedCounterValue;

    while(*runningPub || *runningSub) {
        /* The User application threads wakes up at the configured userApp wake up percentage (30%) of each cycle */
        clock_nanosleep(CLOCKID, TIMER_ABSTIME, &nextnanosleeptimeUserApplication, NULL);
#if defined(PUBLISHER)
        /* Increment the counter data and repeated counter data for the next cycle publish */
        *pubCounterData      = *pubCounterData + 1;
        for(UA_Int32 iterator = 0; iterator <  REPEATED_NODECOUNTS; iterator++)
            *repeatedCounterData[iterator] = *repeatedCounterData[iterator] + 1;

        /* Get the time - T1, time where the counter data and repeated counter
         * data gets incremented. As this application uses FPM, we do not
         * require explicit call of UA_Server_write() to write the counter
         * values to the Information model. Hence, we take publish T1 time
         * here. */
        clock_gettime(CLOCKID, &dataModificationTime);

#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)
        /* Get the time - T8, time where subscribed varibles are read from the
         * Information model. At this point, the packet will be already
         * subscribed and written into the Information model. As this
         * application uses FPM, we do not require explicit call of
         * UA_Server_read() to read the subscribed value from the Information
         * model. Hence, we take subscribed T8 time here. */
        clock_gettime(CLOCKID, &dataReceiveTime);

        /* Update the T1, T8 time with the counter data in the user defined
         * publisher and subscriber arrays. */
        if(enableCsvLog || enableLatencyCsvLog || consolePrint) {
#if defined(PUBLISHER)
            updateMeasurementsPublisher(dataModificationTime, *pubCounterData);

#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)
            if(*subCounterData > 0)
                updateMeasurementsSubscriber(dataReceiveTime, *subCounterData);

        /* Calculation of the next wake up time by adding the interval with the
         * previous wake up time. */
        nextnanosleeptimeUserApplication.tv_nsec +=
            (__syscall_slong_t)(cycleTimeInMsec * MILLI_SECONDS);

    return NULL;

Thread creation

The threadcreation functionality creates thread with given threadpriority, coreaffinity. The function returns the threadID of the newly created thread.

static pthread_t
threadCreation(UA_Int16 threadPriority, size_t coreAffinity,
               void *(*thread)(void *), char *applicationName, void *serverConfig){
    /* Core affinity set */
    cpu_set_t           cpuset;
    pthread_t           threadID;
    struct sched_param  schedParam;
    UA_Int32         returnValue         = 0;
    UA_Int32         errorSetAffinity    = 0;
    /* Return the ID for thread */
    threadID = pthread_self();
    schedParam.sched_priority = threadPriority;
    returnValue = pthread_setschedparam(threadID, SCHED_FIFO, &schedParam);
    if(returnValue != 0) {
        UA_LOG_INFO(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_USERLAND,"pthread_setschedparam: failed\n");

                "\npthread_setschedparam:%s Thread priority is %d \n", \
                applicationName, schedParam.sched_priority);
    CPU_SET(coreAffinity, &cpuset);
    errorSetAffinity = pthread_setaffinity_np(threadID, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset);
    if(errorSetAffinity) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pthread_setaffinity_np: %s\n", strerror(errorSetAffinity));

    returnValue = pthread_create(&threadID, NULL, thread, serverConfig);
    if(returnValue != 0)
                       ":%s Cannot create thread\n", applicationName);

    if(CPU_ISSET(coreAffinity, &cpuset))
                    "%s CPU CORE: %ld\n", applicationName, coreAffinity);

   return threadID;

Creation of nodes

The addServerNodes function is used to create the publisher and subscriber nodes.

static void addServerNodes(UA_Server *server) {
    UA_NodeId objectId;
    UA_NodeId newNodeId;
    UA_ObjectAttributes object           = UA_ObjectAttributes_default;
    object.displayName                   = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT("en-US", "Counter Object");
    UA_Server_addObjectNode(server, UA_NODEID_NULL,
                            UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, UA_NS0ID_OBJECTSFOLDER),
                            UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, UA_NS0ID_ORGANIZES),
                            UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(1, "Counter Object"), UA_NODEID_NULL,
                            object, NULL, &objectId);
    UA_VariableAttributes publisherAttr  = UA_VariableAttributes_default;
    UA_UInt64 publishValue               = 0;
    publisherAttr.accessLevel            = UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_READ | UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_WRITE;
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&publisherAttr.value, &publishValue, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT64]);
    publisherAttr.displayName            = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT("en-US", "Publisher Counter");
    publisherAttr.dataType               = UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT64].typeId;
    newNodeId                            = UA_NODEID_STRING(1, "PublisherCounter");
    UA_Server_addVariableNode(server, newNodeId, objectId,
                              UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, UA_NS0ID_HASCOMPONENT),
                              UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(1, "Publisher Counter"),
                              UA_NODEID_NULL, publisherAttr, NULL, &pubNodeID);
    UA_VariableAttributes subscriberAttr = UA_VariableAttributes_default;
    UA_UInt64 subscribeValue             = 0;
    subscriberAttr.accessLevel           = UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_READ | UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_WRITE;
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&subscriberAttr.value, &subscribeValue, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT64]);
    subscriberAttr.displayName           = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT("en-US", "Subscriber Counter");
    subscriberAttr.dataType              = UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT64].typeId;
    newNodeId                            = UA_NODEID_STRING(1, "SubscriberCounter");
    UA_Server_addVariableNode(server, newNodeId, objectId,
                              UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, UA_NS0ID_HASCOMPONENT),
                              UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(1, "Subscriber Counter"),
                              UA_NODEID_NULL, subscriberAttr, NULL, &subNodeID);
    for(UA_Int32 iterator = 0; iterator < REPEATED_NODECOUNTS; iterator++)
        UA_VariableAttributes repeatedNodePub = UA_VariableAttributes_default;
        UA_UInt64 repeatedPublishValue        = 0;
        repeatedNodePub.accessLevel           = UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_READ | UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_WRITE;
        UA_Variant_setScalar(&repeatedNodePub.value, &repeatedPublishValue, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT64]);
        repeatedNodePub.displayName           = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT("en-US", "Publisher RepeatedCounter");
        repeatedNodePub.dataType              = UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT64].typeId;
        newNodeId                             = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(1, (UA_UInt32)iterator+10000);
        UA_Server_addVariableNode(server, newNodeId, objectId,
                                 UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, UA_NS0ID_HASCOMPONENT),
                                 UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(1, "Publisher RepeatedCounter"),
                                 UA_NODEID_NULL, repeatedNodePub, NULL, &pubRepeatedCountNodeID);
    UA_VariableAttributes runningStatusPub = UA_VariableAttributes_default;
    UA_Boolean runningPubStatus            = 0;
    runningStatusPub.accessLevel           = UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_READ | UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_WRITE;
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&runningStatusPub.value, &runningPubStatus, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN]);
    runningStatusPub.displayName           = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT("en-US", "RunningStatus Pub");
    runningStatusPub.dataType              = UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN].typeId;
    newNodeId                              = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(1, (UA_UInt32)20000);
    UA_Server_addVariableNode(server, newNodeId, objectId,
                              UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, UA_NS0ID_HASCOMPONENT),
                              UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(1, "RunningStatus Pub"),
                              UA_NODEID_NULL, runningStatusPub, NULL, &runningPubStatusNodeID);
    for(UA_Int32 iterator = 0; iterator < REPEATED_NODECOUNTS; iterator++)
        UA_VariableAttributes repeatedNodeSub = UA_VariableAttributes_default;
        UA_UInt64 repeatedSubscribeValue;
        UA_Variant_setScalar(&repeatedNodeSub.value, &repeatedSubscribeValue, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT64]);
        repeatedNodeSub.accessLevel           = UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_READ | UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_WRITE;
        repeatedNodeSub.displayName           = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT("en-US", "Subscriber RepeatedCounter");
        repeatedNodeSub.dataType              = UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT64].typeId;
        newNodeId                             = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(1, (UA_UInt32)iterator+50000);
        UA_Server_addVariableNode(server, newNodeId, objectId,
                                 UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, UA_NS0ID_HASCOMPONENT),
                                 UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(1, "Subscriber RepeatedCounter"),
                                 UA_NODEID_NULL, repeatedNodeSub, NULL, &subRepeatedCountNodeID);
    UA_VariableAttributes runningStatusSubscriber = UA_VariableAttributes_default;
    UA_Boolean runningSubStatusValue              = 0;
    runningStatusSubscriber.accessLevel           = UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_READ | UA_ACCESSLEVELMASK_WRITE;
    UA_Variant_setScalar(&runningStatusSubscriber.value, &runningSubStatusValue, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN]);
    runningStatusSubscriber.displayName           = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT("en-US", "RunningStatus Sub");
    runningStatusSubscriber.dataType              = UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_BOOLEAN].typeId;
    newNodeId                                     = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(1, (UA_UInt32)30000);
    UA_Server_addVariableNode(server, newNodeId, objectId,
                              UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, UA_NS0ID_HASCOMPONENT),
                              UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(1, "RunningStatus Sub"),
                              UA_NODEID_NULL, runningStatusSubscriber, NULL, &runningSubStatusNodeID);


Deletion of nodes

The removeServerNodes function is used to delete the publisher and subscriber nodes.

static void removeServerNodes(UA_Server *server) {
    /* Delete the Publisher Counter Node*/
    UA_Server_deleteNode(server, pubNodeID, true);
    for(UA_Int32 iterator = 0; iterator < REPEATED_NODECOUNTS; iterator++)
        UA_Server_deleteNode(server, pubRepeatedCountNodeID, true);
    UA_Server_deleteNode(server, runningPubStatusNodeID, true);

    UA_Server_deleteNode(server, subNodeID, true);
    for(UA_Int32 iterator = 0; iterator < REPEATED_NODECOUNTS; iterator++)
        UA_Server_deleteNode(server, subRepeatedCountNodeID, true);
    UA_Server_deleteNode(server, runningSubStatusNodeID, true);

Time Difference Calculation

This function is used to calculate the difference between the publishertimestamp and subscribertimestamp and store the result.

static void
timespec_diff(struct timespec *start, struct timespec *stop, struct timespec *result) {
    if((stop->tv_nsec - start->tv_nsec) < 0) {
        result->tv_sec = stop->tv_sec - start->tv_sec - 1;
        result->tv_nsec = stop->tv_nsec - start->tv_nsec + 1000000000;
    } else {
        result->tv_sec = stop->tv_sec - start->tv_sec;
        result->tv_nsec = stop->tv_nsec - start->tv_nsec;


Latency Calculation

When the application is run with “-enableLatencyCsvLog” option, this function gets executed. This function calculates latency by computing the publishtimestamp and subscribetimestamp taking the counterdata as reference and writes the result in a csv.

static void computeLatencyAndGenerateCsv(char *latencyFileName) {
    /* Character array of computed latency to write into a file */
    static char latency_measurements[MAX_MEASUREMENTS_FILEWRITE];
    struct timespec resultTime;
    size_t latencyComputePubIndex, latencyComputeSubIndex;
    UA_Double finalTime;
    UA_UInt64 missed_counter         = 0;
    UA_UInt64 repeated_counter       = 0;
    UA_UInt64 latencyCharIndex       = 0;
    UA_UInt64 prevLatencyCharIndex   = 0;
    /* Create the latency file and include the headers */
    FILE *fp_latency;
    fp_latency = fopen(latencyFileName, "w");
    latencyCharIndex += (UA_UInt64)sprintf(&latency_measurements[latencyCharIndex],
                                           "%s, %s, %s\n",
                                           "LatencyRTT", "Missed Counters", "Repeated Counters");

    for(latencyComputePubIndex = 0, latencyComputeSubIndex = 0;
         latencyComputePubIndex < measurementsPublisher && latencyComputeSubIndex < measurementsSubscriber; ) {
        /* Compute RTT latency by equating counter values */
        if(publishCounterValue[latencyComputePubIndex] == subscribeCounterValue[latencyComputeSubIndex]) {
            timespec_diff(&publishTimestamp[latencyComputePubIndex], &subscribeTimestamp[latencyComputeSubIndex], &resultTime);
            finalTime = ((UA_Double)((resultTime.tv_sec * 1000000000L) + resultTime.tv_nsec))/1000;
        else if(publishCounterValue[latencyComputePubIndex] < subscribeCounterValue[latencyComputeSubIndex]) {
            timespec_diff(&publishTimestamp[latencyComputePubIndex], &subscribeTimestamp[latencyComputeSubIndex], &resultTime);
            finalTime = ((UA_Double)((resultTime.tv_sec * 1000000000L) + resultTime.tv_nsec))/1000;
        else {
            if(subscribeCounterValue[latencyComputeSubIndex - 1] == subscribeCounterValue[latencyComputeSubIndex])

            timespec_diff(&publishTimestamp[latencyComputePubIndex], &subscribeTimestamp[latencyComputeSubIndex], &resultTime);
            finalTime = ((UA_Double)((resultTime.tv_sec * 1000000000L) + resultTime.tv_nsec))/1000;

        if(((latencyCharIndex - prevLatencyCharIndex) + latencyCharIndex + 3) < MAX_MEASUREMENTS_FILEWRITE) {
            latencyCharIndex += (UA_UInt64)sprintf(&latency_measurements[latencyCharIndex],
                                                   "%0.3f, %ld, %ld\n",
                                                   finalTime, missed_counter, repeated_counter);
        else {
                           "Character array has been filled. Computation stopped and leading to latency csv generation");

        prevLatencyCharIndex = latencyCharIndex;

    /* Write into the latency file */
    fwrite(&latency_measurements[0], prevLatencyCharIndex, 1, fp_latency);

Usage function

The usage function gives the information to run the application.

./bin/examples/pubsub_TSN_publisher -interface <ethernet_interface> runs the application.

For more options, use ./bin/examples/pubsub_TSN_publisher -h.

static void usage(char *appname)
        "usage: %s [options]\n"
        " -interface       [name] Use network interface 'name'\n"
        " -cycleTimeInMsec [num]  Cycle time in milli seconds (default %lf)\n"
        " -socketPriority  [num]  Set publisher SO_PRIORITY to (default %d)\n"
        " -pubPriority     [num]  Publisher thread priority value (default %d)\n"
        " -subPriority     [num]  Subscriber thread priority value (default %d)\n"
        " -userAppPriority [num]  User application thread priority value (default %d)\n"
        " -pubCore         [num]  Run on CPU for publisher (default %d)\n"
        " -subCore         [num]  Run on CPU for subscriber (default %d)\n"
        " -userAppCore     [num]  Run on CPU for userApplication (default %d)\n"
        " -pubMacAddress   [name] Publisher Mac address (default %s - where 8 is the VLAN ID and 3 is the PCP)\n"
        " -subMacAddress   [name] Subscriber Mac address (default %s - where 8 is the VLAN ID and 3 is the PCP)\n"
        " -qbvOffset       [num]  QBV offset value (default %d)\n"
        " -disableSoTxtime        Do not use SO_TXTIME\n"
        " -enableCsvLog           Experimental: To log the data in csv files. Support up to 1 million samples\n"
        " -enableLatencyCsvLog    Experimental: To compute and create RTT latency csv. Support up to 1 million samples\n"
        " -enableconsolePrint     Experimental: To print the data in console output. Support for higher cycle time\n"
        " -enableBlockingSocket   Run application with blocking socket option. While using blocking socket option need to\n"
        "                         run both the Publisher and Loopback application. Otherwise application will not terminate.\n"
        " -enableXdpSubscribe     Enable XDP feature for subscriber. XDP_COPY and XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE is used by default. Not recommended to be enabled along with blocking socket.\n"
        " -xdpQueue        [num]  XDP queue value (default %d)\n"
        " -xdpFlagDrvMode         Use XDP in DRV mode\n"
        " -xdpBindFlagZeroCopy    Use Zero-Copy mode in XDP\n"

Main Server code

The main function contains publisher and subscriber threads running in parallel.

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    signal(SIGINT, stopHandler);
    signal(SIGTERM, stopHandler);

    UA_Int32         returnValue         = 0;
    UA_StatusCode    retval              = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
    UA_Server       *server              = UA_Server_new();
    UA_ServerConfig *config              = UA_Server_getConfig(server);
    char            *interface           = NULL;
    UA_Int32         argInputs           = 0;
    UA_Int32         long_index          = 0;
    char            *progname            = NULL;
    pthread_t        userThreadID;

    /* Process the command line arguments */
    progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
    progname = progname ? 1 + progname : argv[0];

    static struct option long_options[] = {
        {"interface",            required_argument, 0, 'a'},
        {"cycleTimeInMsec",      required_argument, 0, 'b'},
        {"socketPriority",       required_argument, 0, 'c'},
        {"pubPriority",          required_argument, 0, 'd'},
        {"subPriority",          required_argument, 0, 'e'},
        {"userAppPriority",      required_argument, 0, 'f'},
        {"pubCore",              required_argument, 0, 'g'},
        {"subCore",              required_argument, 0, 'h'},
        {"userAppCore",          required_argument, 0, 'i'},
        {"pubMacAddress",        required_argument, 0, 'j'},
        {"subMacAddress",        required_argument, 0, 'k'},
        {"qbvOffset",            required_argument, 0, 'l'},
        {"disableSoTxtime",      no_argument,       0, 'm'},
        {"enableCsvLog",         no_argument,       0, 'n'},
        {"enableLatencyCsvLog",  no_argument,       0, 'o'},
        {"enableconsolePrint",   no_argument,       0, 'p'},
        {"enableBlockingSocket", no_argument,       0, 'q'},
        {"xdpQueue",             required_argument, 0, 'r'},
        {"xdpFlagDrvMode",       no_argument,       0, 's'},
        {"xdpBindFlagZeroCopy",  no_argument,       0, 't'},
        {"enableXdpSubscribe",   no_argument,       0, 'u'},
        {"help",                 no_argument,       0, 'v'},
        {0,                      0,                 0,  0 }

    while((argInputs = getopt_long_only(argc, argv,"", long_options, &long_index)) != -1) {
        switch(argInputs) {
            case 'a':
                interface = optarg;
            case 'b':
                cycleTimeInMsec = atof(optarg);
            case 'c':
                socketPriority = atoi(optarg);
            case 'd':
                pubPriority = atoi(optarg);
            case 'e':
                subPriority = atoi(optarg);
            case 'f':
                userAppPriority = atoi(optarg);
            case 'g':
                pubCore = atoi(optarg);
            case 'h':
                subCore = atoi(optarg);
            case 'i':
                userAppCore = atoi(optarg);
            case 'j':
                pubMacAddress = optarg;
            case 'k':
                subMacAddress = optarg;
            case 'l':
                qbvOffset = atoi(optarg);
            case 'm':
                disableSoTxtime = false;
            case 'n':
                enableCsvLog = true;
            case 'o':
                enableLatencyCsvLog = true;
            case 'p':
                consolePrint = true;
            case 'q':
                 /* TODO: Application need to be exited independently */
                enableBlockingSocket = true;
            case 'r':
                xdpQueue = (UA_UInt32)atoi(optarg);
            case 's':
                xdpFlag = XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE;
            case 't':
                xdpBindFlag = XDP_ZEROCOPY;
            case 'u':
                enableXdpSubscribe = true;
            case 'v':
                return -1;
            case '?':
                return -1;

    if(!interface) {
        UA_LOG_ERROR(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "Need a network interface to run");
        return -1;

    if(cycleTimeInMsec < 0.125) {
        UA_LOG_ERROR(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "%f Bad cycle time", cycleTimeInMsec);
        return -1;

    if(enableBlockingSocket == true) {
        if(enableXdpSubscribe == true) {
                         "Cannot enable blocking socket and xdp at the same time");
            return -1;

    if(xdpFlag == XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE || xdpBindFlag == XDP_ZEROCOPY) {
        if(enableXdpSubscribe == false)
                        "Flag enableXdpSubscribe is false, running application without XDP");

    UA_ServerConfig_setMinimal(config, PORT_NUMBER, NULL);

#if defined(PUBLISHER)
    UA_NetworkAddressUrlDataType networkAddressUrlPub;

#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)
    UA_NetworkAddressUrlDataType networkAddressUrlSub;

#if defined(PUBLISHER)
    networkAddressUrlPub.networkInterface = UA_STRING(interface);
    networkAddressUrlPub.url              = UA_STRING(pubMacAddress);
#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)
    networkAddressUrlSub.networkInterface = UA_STRING(interface);
    networkAddressUrlSub.url              = UA_STRING(subMacAddress);

    if(enableCsvLog) {
#if defined(PUBLISHER)
        fpPublisher = fopen(filePublishedData, "w");

#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)
        fpSubscriber = fopen(fileSubscribedData, "w");

    /* It is possible to use multiple PubSubTransportLayers on runtime.
     * The correct factory is selected on runtime by the standard defined
     * PubSub TransportProfileUri's. */

#if defined (PUBLISHER)
    UA_ServerConfig_addPubSubTransportLayer(config, UA_PubSubTransportLayerEthernet());

    /* Create variable nodes for publisher and subscriber in address space */

#if defined(PUBLISHER)
    addPubSubConnection(server, &networkAddressUrlPub);
    UA_Server_freezeWriterGroupConfiguration(server, writerGroupIdent);

#if defined (PUBLISHER) && defined(SUBSCRIBER)
    UA_ServerConfig_addPubSubTransportLayer(config, UA_PubSubTransportLayerEthernet());

#if defined(SUBSCRIBER) && !defined(PUBLISHER)
    UA_ServerConfig_addPubSubTransportLayer(config, UA_PubSubTransportLayerEthernet());

#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)
    addPubSubConnectionSubscriber(server, &networkAddressUrlSub);
    UA_Server_freezeReaderGroupConfiguration(server, readerGroupIdentifier);
    UA_Server_setReaderGroupOperational(server, readerGroupIdentifier);

    serverConfigStruct *serverConfig;
    serverConfig            = (serverConfigStruct*)UA_malloc(sizeof(serverConfigStruct));
    serverConfig->ServerRun = server;
#if defined(PUBLISHER) || defined(SUBSCRIBER)
    char threadNameUserApplication[22] = "UserApplicationPubSub";
    userThreadID = threadCreation((UA_Int16)userAppPriority, (size_t)userAppCore,
                                  userApplicationPubSub, threadNameUserApplication, serverConfig);

    retval |= UA_Server_run(server, &runningServer);
    UA_Server_unfreezeReaderGroupConfiguration(server, readerGroupIdentifier);
#if defined(PUBLISHER) || defined(SUBSCRIBER)
    returnValue = pthread_join(userThreadID, NULL);
    if(returnValue != 0)
                    "\nPthread Join Failed for User thread:%d\n", returnValue);

    if(enableCsvLog) {
#if defined(PUBLISHER)
        /* Write the published data in the publisher_T1.csv file */
        size_t pubLoopVariable               = 0;
        for(pubLoopVariable = 0; pubLoopVariable < measurementsPublisher;
             pubLoopVariable++) {
            fprintf(fpPublisher, "%ld,%ld.%09ld\n",
#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)
        /* Write the subscribed data in the subscriber_T8.csv file */
        size_t subLoopVariable               = 0;
        for(subLoopVariable = 0; subLoopVariable < measurementsSubscriber;
             subLoopVariable++) {
            fprintf(fpSubscriber, "%ld,%ld.%09ld\n",

    if(enableLatencyCsvLog) {
        char *latencyCsvName = LATENCY_CSV_FILE_NAME;

#if defined(PUBLISHER) || defined(SUBSCRIBER)

#if defined(PUBLISHER)
    for(UA_Int32 iterator = 0; iterator <  REPEATED_NODECOUNTS; iterator++)

    /* Free external data source */
    for(UA_Int32 iterator = 0; iterator < REPEATED_NODECOUNTS; iterator++)

#if defined(SUBSCRIBER)
    for(UA_Int32 iterator = 0; iterator <  REPEATED_NODECOUNTS; iterator++)

    /* Free external data source */
    for(UA_Int32 iterator = 0; iterator < REPEATED_NODECOUNTS; iterator++)

    return (int)retval;