CertificateGroup Plugin APIΒΆ

struct UA_CertificateGroup {
    /* The NodeId of the certificate group this pki store is associated with */
    UA_NodeId certificateGroupId;

    /* Context-pointer to be set by the CertificateGroup plugin implementation */
    void *context;

    /* Pointer to logging pointer in the server/client configuration. If the
     * logging pointer is changed outside of the plugin, the new logger is used
     * automatically. */
    const UA_Logger *logging;

    UA_StatusCode (*getTrustList)(UA_CertificateGroup *certGroup,
                                  UA_TrustListDataType *trustList);
    UA_StatusCode (*setTrustList)(UA_CertificateGroup *certGroup,
                                  const UA_TrustListDataType *trustList);

    UA_StatusCode (*addToTrustList)(UA_CertificateGroup *certGroup,
                                    const UA_TrustListDataType *trustList);
    UA_StatusCode (*removeFromTrustList)(UA_CertificateGroup *certGroup,
                                         const UA_TrustListDataType *trustList);

    UA_StatusCode (*getRejectedList)(UA_CertificateGroup *certGroup,
                                     UA_ByteString **rejectedList,
                                     size_t *rejectedListSize);

    /* Provides all associated CRLs for a CA certificate. */
    UA_StatusCode (*getCertificateCrls)(UA_CertificateGroup *certGroup,
                                        const UA_ByteString *certificate,
                                        const UA_Boolean isTrusted,
                                        UA_ByteString **crls, size_t *crlsSize);

    UA_StatusCode (*verifyCertificate)(UA_CertificateGroup *certGroup,
                                       const UA_ByteString *certificate);

    void (*clear)(UA_CertificateGroup *certGroup);

/* Verify that the certificate has the applicationURI in the subject name. */
UA_CertificateUtils_verifyApplicationURI(UA_RuleHandling ruleHandling,
                                         const UA_ByteString *certificate,
                                         const UA_String *applicationURI,
                                         UA_Logger *logger);

/* Get the expire date from certificate */
UA_CertificateUtils_getExpirationDate(UA_ByteString *certificate,
                                      UA_DateTime *expiryDateTime);

UA_CertificateUtils_getSubjectName(UA_ByteString *certificate,
                                   UA_String *subjectName);

UA_CertificateUtils_getThumbprint(UA_ByteString *certificate,
                                  UA_String *thumbprint);

UA_CertificateUtils_getKeySize(UA_ByteString *certificate,
                               size_t *keySize);

/* Compares the public keys from two byte strings, which can represent either
 * certificates or Certificate Signing Requests (CSR). This function extracts
 * the public keys from the provided byte strings and compares them to determine
 * if they are identical.
 * @param certificate1 Containing either a certificate or a CSR.
 * @param certificate2 Containing either a certificate or a CSR.
 * @return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD if the public keys are identical,
 *         UA_STATUSCODE_BADNOMATCH if the public keys do not match,
 *         UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR if an error occurs. */
UA_CertificateUtils_comparePublicKeys(const UA_ByteString *certificate1,
                                      const UA_ByteString *certificate2);

UA_CertificateUtils_checkKeyPair(const UA_ByteString *certificate,
                                 const UA_ByteString *privateKey);

UA_CertificateUtils_checkCA(const UA_ByteString *certificate);

/* Decrypt a private key in PEM format using a password. The output is the key
 * in the binary DER format. Also succeeds if the PEM private key does not
 * require a password or is already in the DER format. The outDerKey memory is
 * allocated internally.
 * Returns UA_STATUSCODE_BADSECURITYCHECKSFAILED if the password is wrong. */
UA_CertificateUtils_decryptPrivateKey(const UA_ByteString privateKey,
                                      const UA_ByteString password,
                                      UA_ByteString *outDerKey);