EventLoop Plugin API

An OPC UA-enabled application can have several clients and servers. And server can serve different transport-level protocols for OPC UA. The EventLoop is a central module that provides a unified control-flow for all of these. Hence, several applications can share an EventLoop.

The EventLoop and the ConnectionManager implementation is architecture-specific. The goal is to have a single call to “poll” (epoll, kqueue, …) in the EventLoop that covers all ConnectionManagers. Hence the EventLoop plugin implementation must know implementation details of the ConnectionManager implementations. So the EventLoop can extract socket information, etc. from the ConnectionManagers.

Timer Policies

A timer comes with a periodic interval in which a callback is executed. If an application is congested the interval can be missed. Two different policies can be used when this happens. Either schedule the next execution after the interval has elapsed again from the current time onwards or stay within the regular interval with respect to the original basetime.

typedef enum {
    UA_TIMERPOLICY_ONCE = 0,        /* Execute the timer once and remove */
    UA_TIMERPOLICY_CURRENTTIME = 1, /* Repeated timer. Upon cycle miss, execute
                                     * "now" and wait exactly for the interval
                                     * until the next execution (new basetime). */
    UA_TIMERPOLICY_BASETIME = 2,    /* Repeated timer. Upon cycle miss, execute
                                     * "now" and fall back into the regular
                                     * cycle from the original basetime (the
                                     * next execution might come after less
                                     * delay than the interval defines). */
} UA_TimerPolicy;

Event Loop

The EventLoop implementation is part of the selected architecture. For example, “Win32/POSIX” stands for a Windows environment with an EventLoop that uses the POSIX API. Several EventLoops can be instantiated in parallel. But the globally defined functions are the same everywhere.

typedef void (*UA_Callback)(void *application, void *context);

/* Delayed callbacks are executed not when they are registered, but in the
 * following EventLoop cycle */
typedef struct UA_DelayedCallback {
    struct UA_DelayedCallback *next;
    UA_Callback callback;
    void *application;
    void *context;
} UA_DelayedCallback;

typedef enum {
    UA_EVENTLOOPSTATE_STOPPING /* Stopping in progress, needs EventLoop
                                * cycles to finish */
} UA_EventLoopState;

struct UA_EventLoop {
    /* Configuration
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     * The configuration should be set before the EventLoop is started */

    const UA_Logger *logger;

    /* See the implementation-specific documentation for possible parameters.
     * The params map is cleaned up when the EventLoop is _free'd. */
    UA_KeyValueMap params;

    /* EventLoop Lifecycle
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     * The EventLoop state also controls the state of the configured
     * EventSources. Stopping the EventLoop gracefully closes e.g. the open
     * network connections. The only way to process incoming events is to call
     * the 'run' method. Events are then triggering their respective callbacks
     * from within that method.*/

    const volatile UA_EventLoopState state; /* Only read the state from outside */

    /* Start the EventLoop and start all already registered EventSources */
    UA_StatusCode (*start)(UA_EventLoop *el);

    /* Stop all EventSources. This is asynchronous and might need a few
     * iterations of the main-loop to succeed. */
    void (*stop)(UA_EventLoop *el);

    /* Clean up the EventLoop and free allocated memory. Can fail if the
     * EventLoop is not stopped. */
    UA_StatusCode (*free)(UA_EventLoop *el);

    /* Wait for events and processs them for at most "timeout" ms or until an
     * unrecoverable error occurs. If timeout==0, then only already received
     * events are processed. Returns immediately after processing the first
     * (batch of) event(s). */
    UA_StatusCode (*run)(UA_EventLoop *el, UA_UInt32 timeout);

    /* The "run" method is blocking and waits for events during a timeout
     * period. This cancels the "run" method to return immediately. */
    void (*cancel)(UA_EventLoop *el);

    /* EventLoop Time Domain
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     * Each EventLoop instance can manage its own time domain. This affects the
     * execution of timed callbacks and time-based sending of network packets.
     * Managing independent time domains is important when different parts of
     * the same system are synchronized to different external master clocks.
     * Each EventLoop uses a "normal" and a "monotonic" clock. The monotonic
     * clock does not (necessarily) conform to the current wallclock date. But
     * its time intervals are more precise. So it is used for all internally
     * scheduled events of the EventLoop (e.g. timed callbacks and time-based
     * sending of network packets). The normal and monotonic clock sources can
     * be configured via parameters before starting the EventLoop. See the
     * architecture-specific documentation for that.
     * Note that the logger configured in the EventLoop generates timestamps
     * independently. If the logger uses a different time domain than the
     * EventLoop, discrepancies may appear in the logs.
     * The EventLoop clocks can be read via the following functons. See
     * `open62541/types.h` for the documentation of their equivalent globally
     * defined functions. */

    UA_DateTime (*dateTime_now)(UA_EventLoop *el);
    UA_DateTime (*dateTime_nowMonotonic)(UA_EventLoop *el);
    UA_Int64    (*dateTime_localTimeUtcOffset)(UA_EventLoop *el);

    /* Timer Callbacks
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     * Timer callbacks are executed at a defined time or regularly with a
     * periodic interval. */

    /* Time of the next timer. Returns the UA_DATETIME_MAX if no timer is
     * registered. */
    UA_DateTime (*nextTimer)(UA_EventLoop *el);

    /* The execution interval is in ms. The first execution time is baseTime +
     * interval. If baseTime is NULL, then the current time is used for the base
     * time. The timerId is written if the pointer is non-NULL. */
    (*addTimer)(UA_EventLoop *el, UA_Callback cb, void *application,
                void *data, UA_Double interval_ms, UA_DateTime *baseTime,
                UA_TimerPolicy timerPolicy, UA_UInt64 *timerId);

    /* If baseTime is NULL, use the current time as the base. */
    (*modifyTimer)(UA_EventLoop *el, UA_UInt64 timerId,
                   UA_Double interval_ms, UA_DateTime *baseTime,
                   UA_TimerPolicy timerPolicy);

    void (*removeTimer)(UA_EventLoop *el, UA_UInt64 timerId);

    /* Delayed Callbacks
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     * Delayed callbacks are executed once in the next iteration of the
     * EventLoop and then deregistered automatically. A typical use case is to
     * delay a resource cleanup to a point where it is known that the resource
     * has no remaining users.
     * The delayed callbacks are processed in each cycle of the EventLoop
     * between the handling of periodic callbacks and polling for (network)
     * events. The memory for the delayed callback is *NOT* automatically freed
     * after the execution. But this can be done from within the callback.
     * Delayed callbacks are processed in the order in which they are added.
     * The delayed callback API is thread-safe. addDelayedCallback is
     * non-blocking and can be called from an interrupt context.
     * removeDelayedCallback can take a mutex and is blocking. */

    void (*addDelayedCallback)(UA_EventLoop *el, UA_DelayedCallback *dc);
    void (*removeDelayedCallback)(UA_EventLoop *el, UA_DelayedCallback *dc);

    /* EventSources
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~
     * EventSources are stored in a singly-linked list for direct access. But
     * only the below methods shall be used for adding and removing - this
     * impacts the lifecycle of the EventSource. For example it may be
     * auto-started if the EventLoop is already running. */

    /* Linked list of EventSources */
    UA_EventSource *eventSources;

    /* Register the ES. Immediately starts the ES if the EventLoop is already
     * started. Otherwise the ES is started together with the EventLoop. */
    (*registerEventSource)(UA_EventLoop *el, UA_EventSource *es);

    /* Stops the EventSource before deregistrering it */
    (*deregisterEventSource)(UA_EventLoop *el, UA_EventSource *es);

    /* Locking
     * ~~~~~~~
     * For multi-threading the EventLoop is protected by a mutex. The mutex is
     * expected to be recursive (can be taken more than once from the same
     * thread). A common approach to avoid deadlocks is to establish an absolute
     * ordering between the locks. Where the "lower" locks needs to be taken
     * before the "upper" lock. The EventLoop-mutex is exposed here to allow it
     * to be taken from the outside. */
    void (*lock)(UA_EventLoop *el);
    void (*unlock)(UA_EventLoop *el);

Event Source

Event Sources are attached to an EventLoop. Typically the event source and the EventLoop are developed together and share a private API in the background.

typedef enum {
    UA_EVENTSOURCESTATE_STOPPED,      /* Registered but stopped */
    UA_EVENTSOURCESTATE_STOPPING      /* Stopping in progress, needs
                                       * EventLoop cycles to finish */
} UA_EventSourceState;

/* Type-tag for proper casting of the difference EventSource (e.g. when they are
 * looked up via UA_EventLoop_findEventSource). */
typedef enum {
} UA_EventSourceType;

struct UA_EventSource {
    struct UA_EventSource *next; /* Singly-linked list for use by the
                                  * application that registered the ES */

    UA_EventSourceType eventSourceType;

    /* Configuration
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    UA_String name;                 /* Unique name of the ES */
    UA_EventLoop *eventLoop;        /* EventLoop where the ES is registered */
    UA_KeyValueMap params;

    /* Lifecycle
     * ~~~~~~~~~ */
    UA_EventSourceState state;
    UA_StatusCode (*start)(UA_EventSource *es);
    void (*stop)(UA_EventSource *es); /* Asynchronous. Iterate theven EventLoop
                                       * until the EventSource is stopped. */
    UA_StatusCode (*free)(UA_EventSource *es);

Connection Manager

Every Connection is created by a ConnectionManager. Every ConnectionManager belongs to just one application. A ConnectionManager can act purely as a passive “Factory” for Connections. But it can also be stateful. For example, it can keep a session to an MQTT broker open which is used by individual connections that are each bound to an MQTT topic.

/* The ConnectionCallback is the only interface from the connection back to
 * the application.
 * - The connectionId is initially unknown to the target application and
 *   "announced" to the application when first used first in this callback.
 * - The context is attached to the connection. Initially a default context
 *   is set. The context can be replaced within the callback (via the
 *   double-pointer).
 * - The state argument indicates the lifecycle of the connection. Every
 *   connection calls the callback a last time with UA_CONNECTIONSTATE_CLOSING.
 *   Protocols individually can forward diagnostic information relevant to the
 *   state as part of the key-value parameters.
 * - The parameters are a key-value list with additional information. The
 *   possible keys and their meaning are documented for the individual
 *   ConnectionManager implementations.
 * - The msg ByteString is the message (or packet) received on the
 *   connection. Can be empty. */
typedef void
     (UA_ConnectionManager *cm, uintptr_t connectionId,
      void *application, void **connectionContext, UA_ConnectionState state,
      const UA_KeyValueMap *params, UA_ByteString msg);

struct UA_ConnectionManager {
    /* Every ConnectionManager is treated like an EventSource from the
     * perspective of the EventLoop. */
    UA_EventSource eventSource;

    /* Name of the protocol supported by the ConnectionManager. For example
     * "mqtt", "udp", "mqtt". */
    UA_String protocol;

    /* Open a Connection
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     * Connecting is asynchronous. The connection-callback is called when the
     * connection is open (status=GOOD) or aborted (status!=GOOD) when
     * connecting failed.
     * Some ConnectionManagers can also passively listen for new connections.
     * Configuration parameters for this are passed via the key-value list. The
     * `context` pointer of the listening connection is also set as the initial
     * context of newly opened connections.
     * The parameters describe the connection. For example hostname and port
     * (for TCP). Other protocols (e.g. MQTT, AMQP, etc.) may required
     * additional arguments to open a connection in the key-value list.
     * The provided context is set as the initial context attached to this
     * connection. It is already set before the first call to
     * connectionCallback.
     * The connection can be opened synchronously or asynchronously.
     * - For synchronous connection, the connectionCallback is called with the
     *   status UA_CONNECTIONSTATE_ESTABLISHED immediately from within the
     *   openConnection operation.
     * - In the asynchronous case the connectionCallback is called immediately
     *   from within the openConnection operation with the status
     *   UA_CONNECTIONSTATE_OPENING. The connectionCallback is called with the
     *   status UA_CONNECTIONSTATE_ESTABLISHED once the connection has fully
     *   opened.
     * Note that a single call to openConnection might open multiple
     * connections. For example listening on IPv4 and IPv6 for a single
     * hostname. Each protocol implementation documents whether multiple
     * connections might be opened at once. */
    (*openConnection)(UA_ConnectionManager *cm, const UA_KeyValueMap *params,
                      void *application, void *context,
                      UA_ConnectionManager_connectionCallback connectionCallback);

    /* Send a message over a Connection
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     * Sending is asynchronous. That is, the function returns before the message
     * is ACKed from remote. The memory for the buffer is expected to be
     * allocated with allocNetworkBuffer and is released internally (also if
     * sending fails).
     * Some ConnectionManagers can accept additional parameters for sending. For
     * example a tx-time for sending in time-synchronized TSN settings. */
    (*sendWithConnection)(UA_ConnectionManager *cm, uintptr_t connectionId,
                          const UA_KeyValueMap *params, UA_ByteString *buf);

    /* Close a Connection
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     * When a connection is closed its `connectionCallback` is called with
     * (status=BadConnectionClosed, msg=empty). Then the connection is cleared
     * up inside the ConnectionManager. This is the case both for connections
     * that are actively closed and those that are closed remotely. The return
     * code is non-good only if the connection is already closed. */
    (*closeConnection)(UA_ConnectionManager *cm, uintptr_t connectionId);

    /* Buffer Management
     * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     * Each ConnectionManager allocates and frees his own memory for the network
     * buffers. This enables, for example, zero-copy neworking mechanisms. The
     * connectionId is part of the API to enable cases where memory is
     * statically allocated for every connection */
    (*allocNetworkBuffer)(UA_ConnectionManager *cm, uintptr_t connectionId,
                          UA_ByteString *buf, size_t bufSize);
    (*freeNetworkBuffer)(UA_ConnectionManager *cm, uintptr_t connectionId,
                         UA_ByteString *buf);

Interrupt Manager

The Interrupt Manager allows to register to listen for system interrupts. Triggering the interrupt calls the callback associated with it.

The implementations of the interrupt manager for the different platforms shall be designed such that:

  • Registered interrupts are only intercepted from within the running EventLoop

  • Processing an interrupt in the EventLoop is handled similarly to handling a network event: all methods and also memory allocation are available from within the interrupt callback.

/* Interrupts can have additional key-value 'instanceInfos' for each individual
 * triggering. See the architecture-specific documentation. */
typedef void
(*UA_InterruptCallback)(UA_InterruptManager *im,
                        uintptr_t interruptHandle, void *interruptContext,
                        const UA_KeyValueMap *instanceInfos);

struct UA_InterruptManager {
    /* Every InterruptManager is treated like an EventSource from the
     * perspective of the EventLoop. */
    UA_EventSource eventSource;

    /* Register an interrupt. The handle and context information is passed
     * through to the callback.
     * The interruptHandle is a numerical identifier of the interrupt. In some
     * cases, such as POSIX signals, this is enough information to register
     * callback. For other interrupt systems (architectures) additional
     * parameters may be required and can be passed in via the parameters
     * key-value list. See the implementation-specific documentation.
     * The interruptContext is opaque user-defined information and passed
     * through to the callback without modification. */
    (*registerInterrupt)(UA_InterruptManager *im, uintptr_t interruptHandle,
                         const UA_KeyValueMap *params,
                         UA_InterruptCallback callback, void *interruptContext);

    /* Remove a registered interrupt. Returns no error code if the interrupt is
     * already deregistered. */
    (*deregisterInterrupt)(UA_InterruptManager *im, uintptr_t interruptHandle);


POSIX EventLop Implementation

The POSIX compatibility of Win32 is ‘close enough’. So a joint implementation is provided. The configuration paramaters must be set before starting the EventLoop.

Clock configuration (Linux and BSDs only)

0:clock-source [int32]

Clock source (default: CLOCK_REALTIME).

0:clock-source-monotonic [int32]:

Clock source used for time intervals. A non-monotonic source can be used as well. But expect accordingly longer sleep-times for timed events when the clock is set to the past. See the man-page of “clock_gettime” on how to get a clock source id for a character-device such as /dev/ptp0. (default: CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW)

UA_EventLoop *
UA_EventLoop_new_POSIX(const UA_Logger *logger);

TCP Connection Manager

Listens on the network and manages TCP connections. This should be available for all architectures.

The openConnection callback is used to create both client and server sockets. A server socket listens and accepts incoming connections (creates an active connection). This is distinguished by the key-value parameters passed to openConnection. Note that a single call to openConnection for a server connection may actually create multiple connections (one per hostname / device).

The connectionCallback of the server socket and context of the server socket is reused for each new connection. But the key-value parameters for the first callback are different between server and client connections.

Configuration parameters for the ConnectionManager (set before start)

0:recv-bufsize [uint32]

Size of the buffer that is statically allocated for receiving messages (default 64kB).

0:send-bufsize [uint32]

Size of the statically allocated buffer for sending messages. This then becomes an upper bound for the message size. If undefined a fresh buffer is allocated for every allocNetworkBuffer (default: no buffer).

Open Connection Parameters:

0:address [string | array of string]

Hostname or IPv4/v6 address for the connection (scalar parameter required for active connections). For listen-connections the address contains the local hostnames or IP addresses for listening. If undefined, listen on all interfaces INADDR_ANY. (default: undefined)

0:port [uint16]

Port of the target host (required).

0:listen [boolean]

Listen-connection or active-connection (default: false)

0:validate [boolean]

If true, the connection setup will act as a dry-run without actually creating any connection but solely validating the provided parameters (default: false)

Active Connection Connection Callback Parameters (first callback only):

0:remote-address [string]

Address of the remote side (hostname or IP address).

Listen Connection Connection Callback Parameters (first callback only):

0:listen-address [string]

Local address (IP or hostname) for the new listen-connection.

0:listen-port [uint16]

Port on which the new connection listens.

Send Parameters:

No additional parameters for sending over an established TCP socket defined.

UA_ConnectionManager *
UA_ConnectionManager_new_POSIX_TCP(const UA_String eventSourceName);

UDP Connection Manager

Manages UDP connections. This should be available for all architectures. The configuration parameters have to set before calling _start to take effect.

Configuration parameters for the ConnectionManager (set before start)

0:recv-bufsize [uint32]

Size of the buffer that is statically allocated for receiving messages (default 64kB).

0:send-bufsize [uint32]

Size of the statically allocated buffer for sending messages. This then becomes an upper bound for the message size. If undefined a fresh buffer is allocated for every allocNetworkBuffer (default: no buffer).

Open Connection Parameters:

0:listen [boolean]

Use the connection for listening or for sending (default: false)

0:address [string | string array]

Hostname (or IPv4/v6 address) for sending or receiving. A scalar is required for sending. For listening a string array for the list-hostnames is possible as well (default: list on all hostnames).

0:port [uint16]

Port for sending or listening (required).

0:interface [string]

Network interface for listening or sending (e.g. when using multicast addresses). Can be either the IP address of the network interface or the interface name (e.g. ‘eth0’).

0:ttl [uint32]

Multicast time to live, (optional, default: 1 - meaning multicast is available only to the local subnet).

0:loopback [boolean]

Whether or not to use multicast loopback, enabling local interfaces belonging to the multicast group to receive packages. (default: enabled).

0:reuse [boolean]

Enables sharing of the same listening address on different sockets (default: disabled).

0:sockpriority [uint32]

The socket priority (optional) - only available on linux. packets with a higher priority may be processed first depending on the selected device queueing discipline. Setting a priority outside the range 0 to 6 requires the CAP_NET_ADMIN capability (on Linux).

0:validate [boolean]

If true, the connection setup will act as a dry-run without actually creating any connection but solely validating the provided parameters (default: false)

Connection Callback Parameters:

0:remote-address [string]

Contains the remote IP address.

0:remote-port [uint16]

Contains the remote port.

Send Parameters:

No additional parameters for sending over an UDP connection defined.

UA_ConnectionManager *
UA_ConnectionManager_new_POSIX_UDP(const UA_String eventSourceName);

#if defined(__linux__) /* Linux only so far */

Ethernet Connection Manager

Listens on the network and manages UDP connections. This should be available for all architectures. The configuration parameters have to set before calling _start to take effect.

Configuration parameters for the ConnectionManager (set before start)

0:recv-bufsize [uint32]

Size of the buffer that is statically allocated for receiving messages (default 64kB).

0:send-bufsize [uint32]

Size of the statically allocated buffer for sending messages. This then becomes an upper bound for the message size. If undefined a fresh buffer is allocated for every allocNetworkBuffer (default: no buffer).

Open Connection Parameters:

0:listen [bool]

The connection is either for sending or for listening (default: false).

0:interface [string]

The name of the Ethernet interface to use (required).

0:address [string]

MAC target address consisting of six groups of hexadecimal digits separated by hyphens such as 01-23-45-67-89-ab. For sending this is a required parameter. For listening this is a multicast address that the connections tries to register for.

0:priority [int32]

Set the socket priority for sending (cf. SO_PRIORITY)

0:ethertype [uint16]

EtherType for sending and receiving frames (optional). For listening connections, this filters out all frames with different EtherTypes.

0:promiscuous [bool]

Receive frames also for different target addresses. Defined only for listening connections (default: false).

0:vid [uint16]

12-bit VLAN identifier (optional for send connections).

0:pcp [byte]

3-bit priority code point (optional for send connections).

0:dei [bool]

1-bit drop eligible indicator (optional for send connections).

0:validate [boolean]

If true, the connection setup will act as a dry-run without actually creating any connection but solely validating the provided parameters (default: false)

Sending with a txtime (for Time-Sensitive Networking) is possible on recent Linux kernels, If enabled for the socket, then a txtime parameters can be passed to sendWithConnection. Note that the clock source for txtime sending is the monotonic clock source set for the entire EventLoop. Check the EventLoop parameters for how to set that e.g. to a PTP clock source. The txtime parameters uses Linux conventions.

0:txtime-enable [bool]

Enable sending with a txtime for the connection (default: false).

0:txtime-flags [uint32]

txtime flags set for the socket (default: SOF_TXTIME_REPORT_ERRORS).

Send Parameters (only with txtime enabled for the connection)

0:txtime [datetime]

Time when the message is sent out (Datetime has 100ns precision) for the “monotonic” clock source of the EventLoop.

0:txtime-pico [uint16]

Picoseconds added to the txtime timestamp (default: 0).

0:txtime-drop-late [bool]

Drop message if it cannot be sent in time (default: true).

UA_ConnectionManager *
UA_ConnectionManager_new_POSIX_Ethernet(const UA_String eventSourceName);

MQTT Connection Manager

The MQTT ConnectionManager reuses the TCP ConnectionManager that is configured in the EventLoop. Hence the MQTT ConnectionManager is platform agnostic and does not require porting. An MQTT connection is for a combination of broker and topic. The MQTT ConnectionManager can group connections to the same broker in the background. Hence adding multiple connections for the same broker is “cheap”. To have individual control, separate connections are created for each topic and for each direction (publishing / subscribing).

Open Connection Parameters:

0:address [string]

Hostname or IPv4/v6 address of the MQTT broker (required).

0:port [uint16]

Port of the MQTT broker (default: 1883).

0:username [string]

Username to use (default: none)

0:password [string]

Password to use (default: none)

0:keep-alive [uint16]

Number of seconds for the keep-alive (ping) (default: 400).

0:validate [boolean]

If true, the connection setup will act as a dry-run without actually creating any connection but solely validating the provided parameters (default: false)

0:topic [string]

Topic to which the connection is associated (required).

0:subscribe [bool]

Subscribe to the topic (default: false). Otherwise it is only possible to publish on the topic. Subscribed topics can also be published to.

Connection Callback Parameters:

0:topic [string]

The value set during connect.

0:subscribe [bool]

The value set during connect.

Send Parameters:

No additional parameters for sending over an Ethernet connection defined.

UA_ConnectionManager *
UA_ConnectionManager_new_MQTT(const UA_String eventSourceName);

Signal Interrupt Manager

Create an instance of the interrupt manager that handles POSX signals. This interrupt manager takes the numerical interrupt identifiers from <signal.h> for the interruptHandle.

UA_InterruptManager *
UA_InterruptManager_new_POSIX(const UA_String eventSourceName);


UA_EventLoop *
UA_EventLoop_new_Zephyr(const UA_Logger *logger);

UA_ConnectionManager *
UA_ConnectionManager_new_Zephyr_TCP(const UA_String eventSourceName);
